
摘  要:农村初中辍学问题是我国教育公平与社会发展中亟待解决的重要议题。本研究基于当前我国农村地区教育资源分配不均、家庭经济压力较大以及学生学习动力不足等背景,旨在深入探讨辍学现象的成因并提出针对性对策。通过问卷调查、深度访谈及案例分析相结合的方法,研究覆盖了全国多个省份的农村初中学校,收集了大量一手数据。结果显示,家庭经济困难、教育资源匮乏、教学质量低下以及学生自身学习兴趣缺失是导致辍学的主要因素。此外,社会观念和家庭期望对学生的教育选择也产生了深远影响。本研究创新性地提出了“多维度干预模式”,从政府政策支持、学校教育改革、家庭经济援助及社区参与四个方面构建综合解决方案。这一模式不仅为解决农村初中辍学问题提供了新思路,也为促进教育公平和社会和谐发展作出了重要贡献。

Causes and Countermeasures of Dropout in Rural Junior High Schools: An Analytical Perspective
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:The issue of dropout in rural junior high schools is a critical topic that urgently needs to be addressed in the context of educational equity and social development in China. This study, grounded in the current background of uneven distribution of educational resources, significant family economic pressures, and insufficient student motivation in rural areas, aims to explore the causes of dropout phenomena and propose targeted solutions. By employing a combination of questionnaire surveys, in-depth interviews, and case analyses, the research covers rural junior high schools across multiple provinces in China, collecting extensive primary data. The findings indicate that family economic difficulties, scarcity of educational resources, low teaching quality, and lack of student interest in learning are the primary factors contributing to dropouts. Furthermore, societal perceptions and family expectations have profound impacts on students' educational choices. Innovatively, this study proposes a "multi-dimensional intervention model," constructing an integrated solution from four aspects: government policy support, school educational reform, family economic assistance, and community participation. This model not only provides new insights into addressing the dropout issue in rural junior high schools but also makes significant contributions to promoting educational equity and social harmony.
Keywords: Rural Junior High School Dropout;Educational Resource Allocation;Family Economic Pressure;Multi-dimensional Intervention Model;Educational Equity
目  录
引言 1
一、农村初中辍学问题的现状分析 1
(一)辍学现象的总体特征 1
(二)地区差异与数据解读 2
(三)现状对研究的意义 2
二、辍学问题的主要成因探讨 3
(一)家庭经济因素的影响 3
(二)学校教育环境的作用 3
(三)学生个体心理状态分析 4
三、社会与政策层面的影响因素 4
(一)地方经济发展水平限制 4
(二)教育政策实施中的不足 5
(三)社会支持体系的缺失 5
四、针对辍学问题的对策建议 6
(一)家庭经济支持措施优化 6
(二)学校教育模式改革方向 6
(三)政策与社会协同干预策略 7
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



