摘 要:随着我国制造业转型升级的深入推进,中职学生作为未来技术技能人才的重要储备力量,其工匠精神的培育成为职业教育领域亟待解决的关键问题。本研究旨在探索中职学生工匠精神的有效培育路径,通过文献分析、问卷调查和案例研究相结合的方法,系统考察了当前中职教育中工匠精神培养的现状及存在的问题。研究发现,中职学生工匠精神的培育受到教学模式单一、文化氛围不足以及评价机制缺失等因素的制约。为此,本文提出以课程体系优化为核心,融合实践教学改革、校园文化建设与多元评价机制的综合培育路径。创新点在于将隐性文化熏陶与显性技能训练有机结合,并引入企业真实场景强化职业体验。研究结果表明,该路径能够显著提升中职学生的专业认同感与精益求精的职业态度,为职业教育领域的工匠精神培养提供了可操作的理论参考与实践范式。
Exploring the Pathways for Cultivating Craftsmanship Spirit among Vocational High School Students
Directive teacher:×××
Abstract:With the deepening of China's manufacturing transformation and upgrading, secondary vocational students, as an important reserve force for future technical and skilled talents, have made the cultivation of their artisan spirit a critical issue that urgently needs to be addressed in the field of vocational education. This study aims to explore effective pathways for nurturing the artisan spirit among secondary vocational students by integrating literature analysis, questionnaire surveys, and case studies to systematically examine the current status and existing problems in the cultivation of the artisan spirit within secondary vocational education. The findings indicate that the development of the artisan spirit among secondary vocational students is constrained by factors such as单一 teaching models, insufficient cultural atmosphere, and the absence of evaluation mechanisms. In response, this paper proposes a comprehensive cultivation approach centered on curriculum system optimization, combined with practical teaching reform, campus culture construction, and diversified evaluation mechanisms. The innovation lies in the organic integration of implicit culturaltrusion with explicit skill training, while introducing real-world enterprise scenarios to enhance professional experience. The results demonstrate that this approach significantly improves secondary vocational students' professional identity and meticulous professional attitudes, providing an operable theoretical reference and practical paradigm for the cultivation of the artisan spirit in the field of vocational education.
Keywords: Vocational High School Students;Artisan Spirit;Cultivation Pathways;Curriculum System Optimization;Practical Teaching Reform
目 录
引言 1
一、中职学生工匠精神现状分析 1
(一)工匠精神内涵阐释 1
(二)中职学生现状调研 2
(三)现实问题与挑战 2
二、工匠精神培育的理论基础 3
(一)教育学视角下的工匠精神 3
(二)心理学支持与实践意义 3
(三)国内外相关理论对比 4
三、中职学生工匠精神培育路径设计 4
(一)校企合作模式构建 4
(二)课程体系优化策略 5
(三)实践教学环节创新 5
四、工匠精神培育的实施保障与评价 6
(一)培育机制建设方案 6
(二)效果评估指标体系 6
(三)持续改进措施探讨 7
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8