摘 要:随着信息技术的快速发展,智能化教学工具逐渐成为教育领域的重要辅助手段,其在提升小学生数学学习兴趣中的作用日益受到关注本研究旨在探讨智能化教学工具对小学生数学兴趣的影响,通过问卷调查、课堂观察和实验对比等方法,选取某小学三个年级共240名学生作为研究对象,分析其在使用智能化教学工具前后的数学学习兴趣变化研究发现,智能化教学工具能够显著提高学生的参与度与积极性,特别是在互动性任务和个性化学习路径的设计上表现出独特优势此外,工具提供的即时反馈机制有助于增强学生的自信心和成就感,从而进一步激发其学习动力本研究的创新点在于结合定量与定性分析,深入揭示了智能化教学工具在不同学习场景中的具体应用效果,为未来相关教育技术的研发与实践提供了理论支持和实证依据研究表明,合理运用智能化教学工具可以有效促进小学生数学兴趣的培养,具有重要的教育价值和推广意义
The Role of Intelligent Teaching Tools in Enhancing Elementary School Students' Interest in Mathematics
Directive teacher:×××
Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology, intelligent teaching tools have gradually become an important auxiliary means in the field of education, and their role in enhancing primary school students' interest in mathematics has received increasing attention. This study aims to explore the impact of intelligent teaching tools on the mathematical interest of primary school students. Through methods such as questionnaire surveys, classroom observations, and experimental comparisons, a total of 240 students from three grades at a primary school were selected as research subjects to analyze changes in their interest in learning mathematics before and after using intelligent teaching tools. The findings indicate that intelligent teaching tools can significantly increase student participation and enthusiasm, particularly demonstrating unique advantages in the design of interactive tasks and personalized learning paths. Furthermore, the instant feedback mechanism provided by these tools helps enhance students' self-confidence and sense of achievement, thereby further stimulating their motivation to learn. The innovation of this study lies in its combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses, which deeply reveals the specific application effects of intelligent teaching tools in different learning scenarios, providing theoretical support and empirical evidence for the future development and practice of related educational technologies. The research shows that the reasonable use of intelligent teaching tools can effectively promote the cultivation of primary school students' interest in mathematics, possessing significant educational value and potential for promotion.
Keywords: Intelligent Teaching Tools;Primary School Students' Mathematics Interest;Interactive Tasks;Personalized Learning Paths;Instant Feedback Mechanism
目 录
引言 1
一、智能化教学工具的背景与意义 1
(一)数学学习兴趣的重要性 1
(二)智能化教学工具的发展现状 2
(三)研究问题与目标 2
二、智能化教学工具的功能特性分析 3
(一)互动性对数学兴趣的影响 3
(二)可视化功能的作用机制 3
(三)自适应学习的支持效果 2
三、小学生数学兴趣的提升路径 2
(一)兴趣激发的具体策略 2
(二)动机维持的教学实践 3
(三)学习反馈的优化设计 3
四、实证研究与案例分析 4
(一)研究方法与数据收集 4
(二)案例分析与结果讨论 4
(三)效果评估与改进建议 5
结论 5
参考文献 6
致谢 6