摘 要:特殊教育教师作为教育体系中的重要群体,其职业压力问题日益受到关注本研究基于当前特殊教育领域面临的挑战,旨在深入探讨特殊教育教师的职业压力来源及其应对策略通过问卷调查与半结构化访谈相结合的方法,对150名特殊教育教师进行数据收集和分析结果表明,特殊教育教师的主要压力源包括工作负荷、学生行为管理及社会支持不足等,并且不同教龄和职称的教师在压力感知上存在显著差异此外,研究发现积极的心理调适能力和社会支持系统能够有效缓解职业压力本研究创新性地提出了多层次的应对策略框架,强调个体、学校和社会三方协同作用,为提升特殊教育教师的职业幸福感提供了理论依据和实践指导这一研究成果不仅丰富了特殊教育教师心理健康领域的理论基础,还为相关政策制定和干预措施设计提供了科学参考
A Study on Occupational Stress and Coping Strategies of Special Education Teachers
Directive teacher:×××
Abstract:Special education teachers, as a crucial group within the educational system, have increasingly drawn attention regarding their occupational stress. This study, grounded in the challenges currently faced in the field of special education, aims to explore the sources of occupational stress among special education teachers and identify effective coping strategies. By employing a mixed-methods approach combining questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, data were collected and analyzed from 150 special education teachers. The findings indicate that major stressors include workload, student behavior management, and insufficient social support, with significant differences in stress perception observed among teachers of varying teaching experience and professional ranks. Additionally, the research reveals that positive psychological adjustment capabilities and robust social support systems can effectively alleviate occupational stress. Innovatively, this study proposes a multi-level fr amework for coping strategies, emphasizing the collaborative roles of individuals, schools, and society to enhance the occupational well-being of special education teachers. This research not only enriches the theoretical foundation of mental health for special education teachers but also provides scientific references for policy formulation and intervention design in this domain.
Keywords: Special Education Teacher;Occupational Stress;Coping Strategies;Psychological Adjustment Ability;Social Support System
目 录
引言 1
一、特殊教育教师职业压力概述 1
(一)职业压力的定义与来源 1
(二)特殊教育教师的压力特征 2
(三)研究背景与意义 2
二、职业压力对特殊教育教师的影响分析 3
(一)心理健康影响评估 3
(二)工作效率与质量变化 3
(三)师生关系及教学环境影响 4
三、特殊教育教师应对压力的现状调查 4
(一)应对策略的类型与分布 4
(二)支持系统的作用分析 5
(三)当前应对方式存在的问题 5
四、特殊教育教师职业压力的应对策略研究 5
(一)个体层面的自我调节方法 6
(二)组织层面的支持措施优化 6
(三)社会层面的政策与资源保障 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8