
摘  要:在全球化背景下,国际学生数量持续增长,跨文化适应成为其学业与生活的重要挑战。本研究旨在探讨国际学生在跨文化教育环境中的适应策略及其影响因素,以期为高等教育机构提供理论支持和实践指导。研究采用混合方法设计,通过问卷调查收集387名国际学生的数据,并对其中15名进行深入访谈。量化分析显示,语言能力、文化认同和社交网络是影响适应效果的关键变量,而质性分析进一步揭示了学生在心理调适、文化学习和人际交往方面的具体策略。研究表明,构建多元文化社区和支持系统能够显著提升国际学生的适应能力。本研究的创新点在于将定量与定性数据相结合,从个体与环境互动的视角全面解析适应机制,同时提出了“文化桥梁者”角色的概念,强调国际学生在促进文化交流中的积极作用。研究成果不仅丰富了跨文化适应理论,还为高校制定针对性支持政策提供了实证依据。

A Study on Adaptation Strategies of International Students under the Context of Intercultural Education
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:In the context of globalization, the number of international students continues to grow, making cross-cultural adaptation a significant challenge for their academic and personal lives. This study aims to explore the adaptation strategies of international students in cross-cultural educational environments and the factors influencing these strategies, thereby providing theoretical support and practical guidance for higher education institutions. A mixed-methods design was employed, collecting data from 387 international students through questionnaires and conducting in-depth interviews with 15 of them. Quantitative analysis revealed that language proficiency, cultural identity, and social networks are key variables affecting adaptation outcomes, while qualitative analysis further uncovered specific strategies employed by students in psychological adjustment, cultural learning, and interpersonal communication. The findings indicate that establishing multicultural communities and support systems can significantly enhance the adaptability of international students. The novelty of this research lies in its integration of quantitative and qualitative data to comprehensively analyze adaptation mechanisms from the perspective of individual-environment interaction, as well as the introduction of the concept of "cultural bridgers," which highlights the positive role of international students in promoting cultural exchange. The research not only enriches the theory of cross-cultural adaptation but also provides empirical evidence for universities to develop targeted support policies.
Keywords: Cross-Cultural Adaptation;International Students;Language Ability;Cultural Identity;Social Network
目  录
引言 1
一、国际学生适应的理论基础 1
(一)跨文化适应理论概述 1
(二)文化冲击与适应机制 2
(三)理论框架在教育中的应用 2
二、国际学生心理适应策略研究 3
(一)心理压力源分析 3
(二)情绪调节与心理支持 3
(三)自我认同与文化融合 4
三、国际学生社会适应策略研究 4
(一)社交网络构建的重要性 4
(二)跨文化交流能力培养 5
(三)社会支持系统的角色 5
四、教育机构的角色与支持体系 5
(一)适应性课程设计与实施 6
(二)校园文化多样性促进 6
(三)支持服务体系建设 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



