
摘  要:农村基础教育质量的提升是实现教育公平的重要环节,其研究背景源于城乡教育资源分配不均及农村地区教育发展滞后的现状。本研究旨在探讨从教育公平视角出发的农村基础教育质量提升策略,通过文献分析、问卷调查与案例研究相结合的方法,系统考察了影响农村基础教育质量的关键因素,并提出针对性解决方案。研究发现,师资力量不足、教学设施落后以及家庭支持匮乏是制约农村教育发展的主要瓶颈。基于此,本文创新性地提出了“区域协同机制”与“数字化赋能模式”,以优化资源配置和提升教学质量。研究结果表明,通过政策倾斜、技术引入和社会参与的多维联动,能够有效缩小城乡教育差距,促进教育公平。该研究的主要贡献在于为农村基础教育改革提供了理论依据与实践路径,同时强调了教育公平在社会可持续发展中的核心作用。

Strategies for Enhancing the Quality of Rural Basic Education from the Perspective of Educational Equity
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:The improvement of rural basic education quality is a critical component in achieving educational equity, with its research background rooted in the unequal distribution of educational resources between urban and rural areas and the lagging development of education in rural regions. This study aims to explore strategies for enhancing rural basic education quality from the perspective of educational equity by employing a combination of literature analysis, questionnaire surveys, and case studies to systematically examine the key factors influencing the quality of rural basic education and propose targeted solutions. The findings indicate that insufficient teaching staff, outdated educational facilities, and inadequate family support are the primary bottlenecks constraining the development of rural education. In response, this paper innovatively proposes a "regional collaborative mechanism" and a "digital empowerment model" to optimize resource allocation and improve teaching quality. The results demonstrate that through the multidimensional synergy of policy inclination, technological introduction, and social participation, it is possible to effectively narrow the urban-rural educational gap and promote educational equity. The main contribution of this research lies in providing theoretical foundations and practical approaches for rural basic education reform while emphasizing the central role of educational equity in social sustainable development.
Keywords: Rural Basic Education;Educational Equity;Teaching Staff Strength;Digital Empowerment;Regional Collaborative Mechanism
目  录
引言 1
一、农村基础教育现状分析 1
(一)教育资源分布不均问题 1
(二)师资力量配置现状研究 2
(三)学生学业水平差异分析 2
二、教育公平理论与实践探索 3
(一)教育公平的核心内涵解读 3
(二)通过政策倾斜与资源优化配置 3
(三)农村教育公平实现路径探讨 4
三、提升农村教育质量的关键策略 4
(一)优化教育资源配置方案 4
(二)加强教师队伍建设措施 4
(三)创新教学模式与方法应用 5
四、政策支持与社会协同机制构建 5
(一)教育政策的制定与实施评估 5
(二)社会力量参与教育公平建设 6
(三)区域协同发展模式设计 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



