
摘    要


关键词:社区老年人慢性病管理  社会工作介入  医患沟通

  With the deepening of aging in China, chronic disease management of the community elderly has become an urgent social problem to be solved. This study aimed to explore the effective model of social work involvement in chronic disease management in community elderly and improve the quality of life of patients by integrating multidisciplinary resources. Using mixed research methods, the three typical communities in Shanghai were selected as sample points, and a one-year tracking study of 320 elderly people and their families with common chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes was conducted by combining questionnaire survey, in-depth interview and case analysis. The study found that social workers play multiple roles as coordinator, supporter and advocate in chronic disease management, which can effectively promote doctor-patient communication and improve patient treatment compliance. The innovation lies in the construction of a trinity service mode of "social worker + medical care + family", emphasizing the overall concept of patient-centered care. This model not only improves the physical health status of patients, but also achieves remarkable results in psychological support and social integration.

Keyword:Community Elderly Chronic Disease Management  Social Work Intervention Doctor-Patient Communication

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 1
2社区老年人慢性病管理需求分析 2
2.1慢性病对老年人生活质量的影响 2
2.2老年人慢性病管理的现状调查 2
2.3社区在慢性病管理中的作用 3
3社会工作介入模式探索 4
3.1社会工作的理论基础 4
3.2适合老年人的介入模式 4
3.3模式实施的具体路径 5
4实践案例与效果评估 6
4.1典型社区案例介绍 6
4.2干预措施及实施过程 6
4.3效果评估与经验总结 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10



