

摘    要


关键词:学校社会工作  三全育人  本土化创新


  As a bridge between the education system and the social support system, school social work plays an important role in promoting the all-round development of students. With the rapid development of China's society and economy, the traditional school social work model is facing many challenges, which needs to be innovated and explored in combination with local reality. Based on China's national conditions, this study aims to build a school social work service model with Chinese characteristics, and deeply discusses the difficulties faced by school social work and its causes. This study puts forward a new service model under the guidance of the concept of "three-in-one education", that is, full participation, full involvement and full support, and emphasizes the construction of linkage mechanism among families, schools and communities. The results show that this model effectively improves students' mental health level and social adaptability, and significantly improves the campus environment. In addition, the introduction of big data technology to achieve accurate service provides a scientific basis for personalized counseling. This study not only fills the theoretical gap in related fields in China, but also provides an operable practice path to promote the localization development of school social work in our country, and has important reference value for improving the protection system of minors in our country.

Keyword:School Social Work  Comprehensive Education  Indigenous Innovation

目  录

1引言 1

2学校社会工作服务模式的理论基础 1

2.1学校社会工作的概念界定 1

2.2国外学校社会工作模式分析 2

2.3中国学校社会工作的特点 2

3本土化创新的需求分析 3

3.1当前学校社会工作面临的问题 3

3.2学生需求的变化趋势 3

3.3家庭和社会环境的影响 4

4构建本土化的服务模式 5

4.1服务模式的设计原则 5

4.2核心服务内容的构建 5

4.3实施路径与策略探讨 6

结论 7

参考文献 8

致谢 9





