
摘    要


关键词:临终关怀  社会工作  老年人

  With the aging of China's population, the demand for hospice care services for the elderly is increasing, so it is of great significance for social work to intervene in hospice care services for the elderly in the community. This study aims to explore the practice model and effect of social work in community hospice care services for the elderly, in order to provide a reference for improving the relevant service system. Through the field investigation of three typical communities in a city, using the combination of literature analysis, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview, a total of 320 valid questionnaires were collected, covering community workers, medical staff, the elderly and their families. Studies found that social workers through case management, group activities, resource integration, in relieving the elderly physical pain, meet their psychological needs, improve family relations, etc, have achieved significant results, such as participation in hospice care service, the elderly anxiety and depression significantly reduced, family members of hospice service satisfaction of more than 85%.

Keyword:Palliative Care  Social Work  Elderly People

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1社区老年人临终关怀的背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 1
2社会工作介入模式探索 2
2.1临终关怀服务需求评估 2
2.2社工介入的服务模式构建 3
2.3多学科团队协作机制 3
3社区资源的整合与利用 4
3.1社区内资源盘点与分析 4
3.2资源整合的具体路径 4
3.3社区支持网络的建立 5
4实践案例与效果评估 5
4.1典型案例介绍与分析 6
4.2服务质量评价体系 6
4.3实践成果与改进建议 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10




