摘 要
随着我国城市化进程的加速和社区结构的日益复杂化,传统社区治理模式面临诸多挑战,如居民参与度低、资源分配不均和服务供给不足等,亟需引入新的力量与方法。社会工作凭借其专业理念、方法和技术成为创新社区治理的有效路径。本研究旨在探讨社会工作介入社区治理的方法与模式创新,以提升社区治理效能。社会工作能够从组织建设、服务提供、关系协调等方面深度融入社区治理,如建立特色社会工作服务中心,开展多样化社区服务项目,促进多元主体间良性互动。创新点在于构建了“社会工作者 + 志愿者”双轮驱动的服务体系,以及“需求导向 - 资源整合 - 成效评估”的闭环运作模式,有效弥补了传统社区治理的短板,为其他地区提供了可借鉴的经验,推动了社区治理现代化进程,提升了居民幸福感和满意度。
关键词:社区治理 社会工作介入 创新模式
With the acceleration of urbanization and the increasing complexity of community structure in China, the traditional community governance model is facing many challenges, such as low participation of residents, uneven distribution of resources and insufficient service supply, and it is urgent to introduce new forces and methods. With its professional ideas, methods and technologies, social work has become an effective path for innovative community governance. The purpose of this study is to explore the method and model innovation of social work intervention in community governance in order to improve the effectiveness of community governance. Social work can be deeply integrated into community governance from the aspects of organization construction, service provision, relationship coordination, etc., such as the establishment of social work service centers with characteristics, the development of diversified community service projects, and the promotion of positive interaction among multiple subjects. The innovation lies in the construction of a two-wheel drive service system of "social workers + volunteers" and a closed-loop operation mode of "demand-oriented - resource integration - effectiveness evaluation", which effectively makes up for the shortcomings of traditional community governance, provides experience for other regions, promotes the modernization process of community governance, and improves residents' happiness and satisfaction.
Keyword:Community Governance Social Work Intervention Innovative Model
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
2社会工作介入社区治理的理论基础 1
2.1社区治理的基本概念 2
2.2社会工作的专业理念 2
2.3社会工作与社区治理的关系 3
2.4理论框架构建 3
3社会工作介入社区治理的方法创新 4
3.1需求评估与问题识别 4
3.2服务资源整合模式 4
3.3多元主体协同机制 5
3.4项目化运作方式 5
4社会工作介入社区治理的模式创新 6
4.1微治理模式探索 6
4.2社区营造实践路径 6
4.3社会资本培育策略 7
4.4可持续发展模式 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10