
摘  要:公共事业管理中公众参与的激励机制是提升治理效能和实现社会共治的重要途径,然而当前公众参与度不足及激励机制缺乏系统性的问题亟待解决。本研究以公共事业管理为背景,聚焦公众参与的激励机制设计与优化,旨在探索如何通过科学合理的激励手段提高公众参与的积极性和持续性。研究采用理论分析与实证研究相结合的方法,首先基于行为经济学和社会资本理论构建激励机制框架,随后通过问卷调查和案例分析收集数据并验证模型有效性。研究发现,物质激励与非物质激励的有机结合能够显著提升公众参与水平,而信任关系的建立和社会价值认同感的培养则是长效激励的关键因素。本研究的创新点在于提出了一种多层次、动态化的激励机制模型,并结合具体场景提出了可操作性强的政策建议,为推动公共事业管理中的公众参与提供了理论支持和实践指导。


Abstract:The incentive mechanism for public participation in public utility management is a crucial approach to enhancing governance efficiency and achieving social co-governance; however, the current issues of insufficient public participation and a lack of systematic incentive mechanisms urgently need to be addressed. This study focuses on the design and optimization of incentive mechanisms within the context of public utility management, aiming to explore how scientifically sound and reasonable incentives can increase the enthusiasm and sustainability of public participation. By combining theoretical analysis with empirical research, this study first constructs an incentive mechanism fr amework based on behavioral economics and social capital theory, followed by data collection and model validation through questionnaire surveys and case studies. The findings indicate that the organic combination of material and non-material incentives significantly improves public participation levels, while the establishment of trust relationships and the cultivation of social value identification are key factors for long-term incentives. The innovation of this study lies in proposing a multi-level, dynamic incentive mechanism model, along with actionable policy recommendations tailored to specific scenarios, providing both theoretical support and practical guidance for promoting public participation in public utility management.

Keywords: Public Participation;Incentive Mechanism;Public Affairs Management

目  录
引言 1
一、公众参与的理论基础 1
(一)公共事业管理概述 1
(二)公众参与的核心概念 2
(三)激励机制的理论框架 2
二、公众参与现状与问题分析 3
(一)当前公众参与的特点 3
(二)激励机制存在的不足 3
(三)制约因素的实证研究 4
三、激励机制的设计原则与路径 4
(一)激励机制的基本原则 4
(二)多元化激励方式探索 5
(三)机制设计的技术支持 5
四、激励机制的应用与效果评估 6
(一)典型案例的实践分析 6
(二)激励效果的量化评估 6
(三)改进策略与未来方向 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



