
摘  要:农村公共服务均等化是实现乡村振兴和共同富裕的重要基础,然而城乡二元结构导致农村地区在教育、医疗、基础设施等方面长期处于劣势,这一问题亟需从公共事业管理视角进行系统研究本研究以农村公共服务均等化为核心议题,旨在探讨其内在机制与优化路径基于文献分析与实地调研,采用定量与定性相结合的研究方法,构建了包含资源分配、服务供给能力和居民满意度的综合评价体系研究发现,农村公共服务均等化水平受制于区域经济差异、政策执行效率及社会参与程度,其中资源配置不均衡是主要瓶颈通过对比分析不同地区的实践经验,提出强化政府主导作用、引入多元主体协同治理以及完善绩效评估机制的对策建议本研究创新性地将公共事业管理理论应用于农村公共服务领域,为相关政策制定提供了理论支撑与实践参考,对推动城乡融合发展具有重要意义


Abstract:The equalization of rural public services is a critical foundation for achieving rural revitalization and common prosperity. However, the urban-rural dual structure has led to long-standing disadvantages in rural areas regarding education, healthcare, and infrastructure, necessitating systematic research from the perspective of public affairs management. This study focuses on the core issue of rural public service equalization, aiming to explore its internal mechanisms and optimization pathways. Based on literature analysis and field research, a combined quantitative and qualitative research methodology was employed to construct a comprehensive evaluation system encompassing resource allocation, service delivery capacity, and resident satisfaction. The findings indicate that the level of rural public service equalization is constrained by regional economic disparities, policy implementation efficiency, and the degree of social participation, with uneven resource distribution being the primary bottleneck. Through comparative analysis of practical experiences across different regions, this study proposes policy recommendations, including strengthening government leadership, introducing multi-stakeholder collaborative governance, and improving performance evaluation mechanisms. Innovatively applying public affairs management theory to the domain of rural public services, this research provides theoretical support and practical references for relevant policy formulation, playing a significant role in promoting integrated urban-rural development.

Keywords: Rural Public Service Equalization;Public Utilities Management;Resource Allocation

目  录
引言 1
一、农村公共服务均等化的理论基础 1
(一)公共事业管理的核心概念 1
(二)均等化理论的内涵与演进 2
(三)理论框架在农村的应用 2
二、农村公共服务现状与问题分析 3
(一)农村公共服务供给现状 3
(二)服务供给中的不均衡现象 3
(三)影响均等化的关键因素 4
三、公共事业管理视角下的优化路径 4
(一)政府职能与资源配置优化 4
(二)社会参与机制的构建 5
(三)技术赋能与信息化建设 5
四、实现农村公共服务均等化的保障措施 6
(一)政策支持与制度设计 6
(二)财政投入与资金保障 6
(三)监督评估体系的完善 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9



