
摘  要:公共事业管理作为政府治理和社会服务的重要组成部分,其效率与公平性直接影响社会福祉。本文以成本效益分析为核心方法,探讨其在公共事业管理中的应用路径与优化策略。研究旨在通过系统化的分析框架,解决当前公共事业项目中资源配置不均、经济效益评估不足等问题。基于案例分析与实证研究相结合的方法,本文选取了多个典型公共事业项目进行深入剖析,构建了适用于不同场景的成本效益评估模型。研究结果表明,通过引入动态调整机制和多维度指标体系,能够显著提升成本效益分析的科学性和适用性。本文的创新点在于提出了融合社会影响因素的综合评估方法,并开发了适应复杂环境的量化工具,为决策者提供更具操作性的参考依据。最终结论强调,成本效益分析不仅是经济评价手段,更是实现公共事业可持续发展的关键工具。


Abstract:Public utility management, as a critical component of government governance and social services, directly influences societal well-being through its efficiency and equity. This paper focuses on cost-benefit analysis as the core methodology to explore its application pathways and optimization strategies within public utility management. The study aims to address existing issues such as uneven resource allocation and insufficient economic benefit evaluation through a systematic analytical fr amework. By integrating case studies with empirical research, this paper conducts an in-depth analysis of several representative public utility projects and develops a cost-benefit assessment model adaptable to various scenarios. The findings indicate that incorporating dynamic adjustment mechanisms and multi-dimensional indicator systems can significantly enhance the scientific rigor and applicability of cost-benefit analysis. A key innovation of this paper lies in proposing a comprehensive evaluation approach that integrates social impact factors and designing quantitative tools suitable for complex environments, thereby providing decision-makers with more actionable references. The concluding remarks emphasize that cost-benefit analysis serves not only as an economic evaluation tool but also as a pivotal instrument for achieving sustainable development in public utilities.

Keywords: Public Utility Management;Cost-Benefit Analysis;Resource Allocation

目  录
引言 1
一、成本效益分析理论基础 1
(一)成本效益分析的基本概念 1
(二)成本效益分析的核心要素 2
(三)公共事业管理中的应用背景 2
二、成本效益分析方法体系 3
(一)方法体系的构建原则 3
(二)定量分析方法的应用 3
(三)定性分析方法的作用 4
三、成本效益分析在公共项目中的实践 4
(一)公共项目的成本评估方法 4
(二)效益测算的关键步骤 5
(三)实践案例分析与总结 5
四、成本效益分析的优化与挑战 6
(一)分析方法的改进方向 6
(二)面临的主要挑战与应对策略 6
(三)未来发展趋势与研究展望 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9



