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摘  要:随着信息技术的迅猛发展,智慧城市建设已成为提升公共事业管理水平的重要途径。本研究以智慧城市建设为切入点,探讨其在公共事业管理中的挑战与应对策略,旨在为相关实践提供理论支持和操作指南。研究采用文献分析、案例研究及问卷调查相结合的方法,系统梳理了智慧城市建设中面临的技术、制度与社会参与等方面的障碍,并通过实证分析提炼出关键问题。研究表明,技术标准不统一、数据共享机制缺失以及公众参与不足是当前智慧城市建设的主要瓶颈。针对上述问题,本文提出构建跨部门协作平台、完善法律法规体系以及强化公众参与机制等对策建议。研究创新性地将公共价值理论融入智慧城市建设框架,强调技术与人文的深度融合,为解决智慧城市发展中的人本困境提供了新思路。研究成果对优化公共资源配置、提升城市治理能力具有重要参考价值。


Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology, smart city construction has become a crucial approach to enhancing the management level of public utilities. This study focuses on smart city construction as an entry point to explore the challenges and corresponding strategies in public utility management, aiming to provide theoretical support and operational guidance for relevant practices. By employing a combination of literature analysis, case studies, and questionnaire surveys, this research systematically examines obstacles in technology, institutions, and social participation encountered during smart city construction and identifies key issues through empirical analysis. The findings indicate that the main bottlenecks in current smart city construction include non-uniform technical standards, the absence of data-sharing mechanisms, and insufficient public participation. In response to these challenges, this paper proposes countermeasures such as establishing cross-departmental collaboration platforms, improving legal and regulatory fr ameworks, and strengthening public participation mechanisms. Innovatively, this study integrates public value theory into the fr amework of smart city construction, emphasizing the deep integration of technology and humanity, thereby offering new perspectives to address human-centered dilemmas in smart city development. The research outcomes hold significant reference value for optimizing public resource allocation and enhancing urban governance capabilities.

Keywords: Smart City Construction;Public Utilities Management;Technical Standards

目  录
引言 1
一、智慧城市建设的背景与意义 1
(一)公共事业管理的新需求 1
(二)智慧城市的核心内涵 2
(三)研究的重要性和紧迫性 2
二、智慧城市建设中的主要挑战 3
(一)数据共享与隐私保护 3
(二)技术应用与资源整合 4
(三)公众参与与社会公平 4
三、公共事业管理中的智慧化实践 4
(一)智能交通系统的构建 5
(二)智慧能源管理的应用 5
(三)数字化公共服务的推进 6
四、应对智慧城市建设的对策建议 6
(一)完善政策法规体系 6
(二)强化技术创新驱动 7
(三)构建多方协作机制 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 9



