
摘  要:公共事业管理作为社会治理的重要组成部分,其伦理问题与道德责任日益受到关注。本研究基于当前公共事业管理中普遍存在的伦理困境,旨在探讨管理者在决策和执行过程中的道德责任及其影响因素。通过文献分析与案例研究相结合的方法,选取典型公共事业领域进行深入剖析,揭示了伦理冲突的根源及解决路径。研究发现,公共事业管理中的伦理问题主要源于制度设计不足、利益相关者博弈以及管理者个人价值观偏差。为此,本文提出构建以透明度提升、参与机制优化为核心的伦理治理框架,并强调通过教育和培训强化管理者的道德意识。该研究创新性地将伦理学理论与公共管理实践相结合,为完善公共事业管理体系提供了新视角,同时对推动社会公平与正义具有重要现实意义。


Abstract:Public administration management, as a crucial component of social governance, has increasingly drawn attention to its ethical issues and moral responsibilities. This study focuses on the ethical dilemmas prevalent in current public administration management, aiming to explore the moral responsibilities of managers during decision-making and implementation processes along with their influencing factors. By integrating literature analysis with case studies, this research conducts an in-depth examination of representative public administration fields, uncovering the origins of ethical conflicts and proposing resolution pathways. The findings indicate that ethical challenges in public administration management primarily stem from insufficient institutional design, stakeholder博弈 (bargaining), and personal value deviations among managers. In response, this paper proposes constructing an ethical governance fr amework centered on enhancing transparency and optimizing participation mechanisms, while emphasizing the reinforcement of managers' moral awareness through education and training. Innovatively combining ethics theory with public management practice, this study provides a new perspective for improving the public administration management system and holds significant practical implications for promoting social equity and justice.

Keywords: Public Utility Management;Ethical Dilemma;Moral Responsibility

目  录
引言 1
一、公共事业管理伦理基础 1
(一)伦理与公共管理的关系 1
(二)公共事业管理的伦理框架 2
(三)道德责任的核心内涵 2
二、伦理问题的表现形式 3
(一)利益冲突与价值权衡 3
(二)资源分配中的伦理困境 3
(三)公平与效率的矛盾分析 4
三、道德责任的实践挑战 4
(一)决策过程中的道德风险 4
(二)公众参与与伦理规范 5
(三)跨部门协作中的责任界定 5
四、伦理治理与责任提升路径 6
(一)建立伦理治理体系 6
(二)强化道德责任意识 6
(三)推动制度化伦理建设 7
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



