
摘  要:随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,网络侵权行为日益频发且形式复杂多样,传统侵权责任认定机制面临诸多挑战,亟需构建适应网络环境的侵权行为认定与举证责任分配规则。本研究以网络侵权责任为核心,结合现行法律法规及司法实践,通过文献分析、案例研究和比较法考察等方法,深入探讨网络侵权行为的构成要件及其举证责任分配原则。研究发现,网络侵权行为具有隐蔽性、跨地域性和技术依赖性等特征,传统的“谁主张,谁举证”原则在具体适用中存在局限性。为此,本文提出基于过错推定原则的举证责任倒置机制,并结合平台类型和技术能力设定差异化的举证义务。这一创新性框架不仅有助于平衡权利保护与行业发展,还为司法实践提供了更具操作性的指引,对完善我国网络侵权法律制度具有重要意义。


Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet technology, online infringement behaviors have become increasingly frequent and diverse in form, posing significant challenges to traditional mechanisms for identifying infringement liability. There is an urgent need to establish rules for recognizing infringement behaviors and allocating the burden of proof that are adapted to the network environment. This study focuses on online infringement liability, combining existing laws, regulations, and judicial practices. Through methods such as literature analysis, case studies, and comparative legal examination, it thoroughly investigates the constitutive elements of online infringement behaviors and the principles for allocating the burden of proof. The research reveals that online infringement behaviors exhibit characteristics such as concealment, cross-regional nature, and technical dependency, which render the traditional principle of "he who asserts must prove" limited in its specific application. In response, this paper proposes a mechanism of reversing the burden of proof based on the presumption of fault, while setting differentiated evidentiary obligations according to platform types and technical capabilities. This innovative fr amework not only helps balance rights protection with industry development but also provides more operational guidance for judicial practice, playing a crucial role in improving China's legal system for online infringement.

Keywords: Network Infringement Liability;Burden Of Proof Allocation;Presumption Of Fault Principle

目  录
引言 1
一、网络侵权行为的界定与特征分析 1
(一)网络侵权行为的基本概念 1
(二)网络侵权行为的主要类型 2
(三)网络侵权行为的法律特征 2
二、侵权行为认定的法律依据与标准 3
(一)侵权行为认定的现行法律规定 3
(二)侵权行为构成要件的具体分析 3
(三)特殊情形下侵权行为的认定难点 4
三、举证责任分配的原则与实践问题 4
(一)举证责任分配的一般原则 4
(二)网络环境下的举证责任特殊性 5
(三)举证责任分配中的主要争议点 5
四、完善网络侵权责任制度的路径探讨 6
(一)现行制度存在的主要问题 6
(二)国际经验对我国的启示 6
(三)推动制度完善的建议与对策 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9



