
摘  要:随着社会经济的发展和家庭财产关系的复杂化,侵权之债是否属于夫妻共同债务成为理论与实践中的争议焦点。本研究旨在探讨侵权之债被认定为夫妻共同债务的标准,通过梳理相关法律规范与司法案例,结合比较法分析及实证研究方法,构建科学合理的认定体系。研究发现,侵权行为的发生时间、收益归属以及债务用途是判断的关键要素,同时应综合考量夫妻双方是否存在共同意思表示或利益共享情形。本文创新性地提出“利益关联性”标准,强调以行为与家庭利益的关联程度作为核心判定依据,并建议在立法层面明确细化规则,增强司法适用的统一性和可操作性。这一研究成果不仅填补了现有理论框架的空白,也为司法实践中相关问题的解决提供了具体路径,对完善我国夫妻债务制度具有重要参考价值。


Abstract:With the development of socioeconomics and the increasing complexity of family property relations, whether tort liabilities should be considered as joint marital debts has become a contentious issue in both theory and practice. This study aims to explore the criteria for identifying tort liabilities as joint marital debts by systematically reviewing relevant legal norms and judicial cases, complemented by comparative legal analysis and empirical research methods, to construct a scientific and reasonable identification system. The findings indicate that the timing of the tortious act, the attribution of benefits, and the purpose of the debt are critical factors in determination, while the existence of joint intent or shared interests between spouses should also be comprehensively evaluated. Innovatively, this article proposes the "interest relevance" standard, emphasizing the degree of association between the act and family interests as the core basis for judgment. It further recommends that legislative rules be clarified and refined to enhance the uniformity and operability of judicial application. This research not only fills a theoretical gap in the existing fr amework but also provides concrete solutions for addressing related issues in judicial practice, offering significant reference value for the improvement of China's marital debt system.

Keywords: Marital Joint Debt;Tort Liability;Interest Relevance

目  录
引言 1
一、侵权之债的法律属性分析 1
(一)侵权之债的基本概念 1
(二)侵权之债与合同之债的区别 2
(三)侵权之债在婚姻法中的定位 2
二、夫妻共同债务的理论基础 3
(一)夫妻共同债务的定义与范围 3
(二)共同债务认定的核心要素 3
(三)共同债务理论的司法实践 4
三、侵权之债转化为夫妻共同债务的标准 4
(一)家庭利益关联性的判定 4
(二)共同行为或意思表示的认定 5
(三)债务用途与夫妻共同生活的联系 5
四、认定标准的完善与适用建议 6
(一)当前认定标准存在的问题 6
(二)国际经验与中国实践的对比 6
(三)完善认定标准的具体路径 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9



