
摘  要:随着信息技术的迅猛发展,个人信息保护已成为全球关注的重要议题,但侵权行为频发与损害赔偿机制不完善的问题亟待解决。本研究旨在探讨个人信息保护领域中的侵权责任认定及损害赔偿规则构建,以期为相关法律实践提供理论支持。通过文献分析、案例研究与比较法考察相结合的方法,本文系统梳理了国内外现行法律框架,并深入剖析了现有制度在责任分配与赔偿计算方面的不足。研究发现,当前侵权责任界定存在模糊性,而损害赔偿标准缺乏科学依据,难以有效弥补受害者损失。基于此,本文提出引入过错推定原则优化责任认定机制,并建议建立分级量化赔偿体系以增强可操作性。此外,研究还强调技术手段与法律规制协同的重要性,为未来立法完善提供了新思路。本研究的主要贡献在于填补了损害赔偿量化研究的空白,并提出了兼具公平性与可行性的解决方案,对推动个人信息保护法治化进程具有重要意义。


Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology, personal information protection has become a globally significant issue, yet frequent violations and an imperfect compensation mechanism remain pressing challenges. This study aims to explore the determination of tort liability and the construction of compensation rules in the field of personal information protection, thereby providing theoretical support for relevant legal practices. By employing a combination of literature analysis, case studies, and comparative legal examination, this paper systematically reviews existing domestic and international legal fr ameworks and critically analyzes the deficiencies in current systems regarding responsibility allocation and compensation calculation. The findings reveal that the definition of tort liability is ambiguous, while compensation standards lack scientific grounding, making it difficult to effectively redress victims' losses. In response, this paper proposes the introduction of a presumed negligence principle to optimize liability determination mechanisms and suggests establishing a tiered quantifiable compensation system to enhance operability. Furthermore, the study underscores the importance of integrating technical measures with legal regulation, offering new perspectives for future legislative improvements. The primary contribution of this research lies in addressing the gap in quantifying compensation and proposing solutions that balance fairness and feasibility, which are of great significance in advancing the rule of law in personal information protection.

Keywords: Personal Information Protection;Infringement Liability Determination;Damage Compensation Rule

目  录
引言 1
一、个人信息保护的法律框架 1
(一)个人信息保护的基本原则 1
(二)法律框架中的责任主体界定 2
(三)国内外法律体系对比分析 2
二、侵权责任的构成与认定 3
(一)侵权行为的类型化分析 3
(二)主观过错与因果关系判定 3
(三)特殊情形下的责任豁免 4
三、损害赔偿的理论基础与实践应用 4
(一)损害赔偿的法律依据 4
(二)赔偿范围与计算标准 5
(三)实践中的难点与争议解决 5
四、制度完善与未来展望 6
(一)当前制度存在的问题分析 6
(二)法律规则的优化路径 6
(三)技术手段与法律规制的结合 7
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



