摘 要:随着民法典的实施,夫妻共同债务的认定成为婚姻家庭法律领域的重要议题,其中事后追认型夫妻共同债务因其特殊性备受关注。本研究旨在探讨事后追认型夫妻共同债务的认定标准及其法律效果,通过文献分析与案例研究相结合的方法,系统梳理相关理论与司法实践。研究发现,事后追认行为的本质是对债务效力的事后确认,其认定需综合考量追认主体、追认形式及追认范围等因素。同时,追认行为对内对外均产生明确的法律效力,但实践中存在认定标准不统一的问题。本研究创新性地提出以“明确性原则”为核心构建统一的认定框架,并建议完善相关法律规定以增强司法适用的可操作性。研究成果为解决司法实践中争议问题提供了理论支持,也为立法完善提供了参考依据,有助于实现债权人与债务人权益的平衡保护。
Abstract:With the implementation of the Civil Code, the identification of joint spousal debts has become a significant issue in the field of matrimonial and family law, among which post-facto acknowledgment-based joint spousal debts have garnered particular attention due to their unique characteristics. This study aims to explore the criteria for identifying post-facto acknowledgment-based joint spousal debts and their legal implications, employing a methodology that combines literature analysis with case studies to systematically examine relevant theories and judicial practices. The findings reveal that the essence of post-facto acknowledgment lies in the subsequent confirmation of debt validity, and its determination requires a comprehensive consideration of factors such as the acknowledging party, the form of acknowledgment, and the scope of acknowledgment. Simultaneously, acknowledgment generates clear legal effects both internally and externally, yet inconsistencies in identification standards persist in practice. This research innovatively proposes the construction of a unified identification fr amework centered on the "principle of specificity" and recommends the refinement of relevant legal provisions to enhance the operability of judicial application. The research outcomes provide theoretical support for resolving contentious issues in judicial practice and offer reference for legislative improvement, contributing to the balanced protection of creditors' and debtors' rights.
引言 1
一、事后追认型夫妻共同债务的理论基础 1
(一)夫妻共同债务的基本概念 1
(二)事后追认的法律内涵 2
(三)理论基础与研究意义 2
二、事后追认型夫妻共同债务的认定标准 3
(一)追认行为的有效性判断 3
(二)债务性质的界定方法 3
(三)认定标准的司法实践分析 4
三、事后追认型夫妻共同债务的法律效果 4
(一)对夫妻双方的法律影响 4
(二)对债权人的权益保障 5
(三)法律效果的局限性探讨 5
四、完善事后追认型夫妻共同债务制度的建议 6
(一)明确追认行为的规范要求 6
(二)强化司法裁判的统一性 6
(三)推动相关立法的完善与发展 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9
Abstract:With the implementation of the Civil Code, the identification of joint spousal debts has become a significant issue in the field of matrimonial and family law, among which post-facto acknowledgment-based joint spousal debts have garnered particular attention due to their unique characteristics. This study aims to explore the criteria for identifying post-facto acknowledgment-based joint spousal debts and their legal implications, employing a methodology that combines literature analysis with case studies to systematically examine relevant theories and judicial practices. The findings reveal that the essence of post-facto acknowledgment lies in the subsequent confirmation of debt validity, and its determination requires a comprehensive consideration of factors such as the acknowledging party, the form of acknowledgment, and the scope of acknowledgment. Simultaneously, acknowledgment generates clear legal effects both internally and externally, yet inconsistencies in identification standards persist in practice. This research innovatively proposes the construction of a unified identification fr amework centered on the "principle of specificity" and recommends the refinement of relevant legal provisions to enhance the operability of judicial application. The research outcomes provide theoretical support for resolving contentious issues in judicial practice and offer reference for legislative improvement, contributing to the balanced protection of creditors' and debtors' rights.
Keywords: Marital Joint Debt;Post Facto Approval;Recognition Criteria
引言 1
一、事后追认型夫妻共同债务的理论基础 1
(一)夫妻共同债务的基本概念 1
(二)事后追认的法律内涵 2
(三)理论基础与研究意义 2
二、事后追认型夫妻共同债务的认定标准 3
(一)追认行为的有效性判断 3
(二)债务性质的界定方法 3
(三)认定标准的司法实践分析 4
三、事后追认型夫妻共同债务的法律效果 4
(一)对夫妻双方的法律影响 4
(二)对债权人的权益保障 5
(三)法律效果的局限性探讨 5
四、完善事后追认型夫妻共同债务制度的建议 6
(一)明确追认行为的规范要求 6
(二)强化司法裁判的统一性 6
(三)推动相关立法的完善与发展 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9