
摘  要:随着社会经济的发展和家庭财产关系的复杂化,夫妻共同债务问题日益成为法学研究与实践中的重要议题。本研究旨在探讨婚姻家庭中夫妻共同债务的形成机制及其防范策略,并提出针对性的法律建议。通过文献分析、案例研究与比较法研究相结合的方法,本文系统梳理了现行法律框架下夫妻共同债务的认定标准及存在的不足。研究表明,当前法律在债务性质界定、举证责任分配以及债权人保护方面存在一定的模糊性和操作难题。基于此,本文创新性地提出了构建多层次债务防范体系的设想,包括完善立法规范、强化事前预防机制以及优化司法裁判规则。主要贡献在于明确了夫妻共同债务的边界,强调了家庭利益与交易安全的平衡,并为相关法律制度的完善提供了理论支持与实践路径,对促进婚姻家庭稳定和维护社会公平正义具有重要意义。


Abstract:With the development of socioeconomics and the increasing complexity of family property relations, the issue of marital joint debts has become an important topic in legal research and practice. This study aims to explore the formation mechanisms of marital joint debts within family contexts and propose targeted legal recommendations for their prevention. By integrating literature analysis, case studies, and comparative legal research, this paper systematically examines the current legal fr amework's criteria for identifying marital joint debts and highlights its existing deficiencies. The research reveals that current laws exhibit certain ambiguities and operational challenges regarding the definition of debt nature, the allocation of evidentiary responsibilities, and the protection of creditors' rights. In response, this study innovatively proposes the construction of a multi-level debt prevention system, which includes refining legislative norms, strengthening preemptive preventive measures, and optimizing judicial adjudication rules. Its primary contributions lie in clarifying the boundaries of marital joint debts, emphasizing the balance between family interests and transactional security, and providing theoretical support and practical pathways for the improvement of relevant legal systems. These efforts hold significant implications for promoting marital and familial stability as well as safeguarding social fairness and justice.

Keywords: Marital Joint Debt;Legal Recognition Criteria;Debt Prevention System

目  录
引言 1
一、夫妻共同债务的法律界定 1
(一)共同债务的基本概念 1
(二)法律界定的历史沿革 2
(三)当前法律适用中的争议 2
二、夫妻共同债务的风险分析 3
(一)债务形成的主要原因 3
(二)风险对家庭的影响评估 3
(三)典型案例的实证分析 4
三、防范机制的设计与实施 4
(一)婚前协议的作用与意义 4
(二)家庭财务管理制度构建 4
(三)第三方监督机制的引入 5
四、法律建议与政策完善 5
(一)立法层面的改进建议 5
(二)司法实践中的优化路径 6
(三)社会支持体系的建设方向 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



