
摘  要:遗嘱的撤回与变更作为继承法中的重要议题,其法律效力及实践问题在社会变迁和财富传承需求日益复杂的背景下备受关注。本研究旨在探讨遗嘱撤回与变更的法律规制及其在司法实践中的适用困境,通过分析现行法律规定、典型案例以及学界争议,结合比较法视角,提出完善相关制度的建议。研究采用规范分析与实证研究相结合的方法,梳理了遗嘱撤回与变更的核心法律问题,包括撤回权的性质、变更程序的合法性以及多份遗嘱冲突时的效力认定。研究发现,当前立法存在规定模糊、操作性不足等问题,导致司法实践中裁判标准不统一。本文创新性地提出了构建明确的遗嘱撤回与变更规则体系的设想,并强调引入技术手段以增强遗嘱管理的透明度与安全性。研究成果为完善我国继承法相关制度提供了理论支持,同时对指导司法实践具有重要意义。


Abstract:The withdrawal and amendment of wills, as significant issues in inheritance law, have garnered considerable attention due to their legal implications and practical challenges amidst societal changes and increasingly complex wealth succession needs. This study aims to explore the legal regulation of will withdrawal and amendment and the difficulties encountered in judicial practice, analyzing current legal provisions, landmark cases, and academic controversies while incorporating a comparative law perspective to propose recommendations for improving relevant systems. By employing a methodology that combines normative analysis with empirical research, the study addresses core legal issues surrounding the withdrawal and amendment of wills, including the nature of the right to withdraw, the legality of amendment procedures, and the determination of validity in conflicts among multiple wills. The findings reveal that current legislation suffers from ambiguities and insufficient operability, leading to inconsistent adjudication standards in judicial practice. Innovatively, this study proposes the establishment of a clear regulatory fr amework for will withdrawal and amendment, emphasizing the integration of technical means to enhance the transparency and security of will management. The research outcomes provide theoretical support for refining related institutions in China’s inheritance law and hold substantial significance for guiding judicial practice.

Keywords: Will Withdrawal;Will Amendment;Inheritance Law

目  录
引言 1
一、遗嘱撤回与变更的法律基础 1
(一)遗嘱撤回的法律定义与范围 1
(二)遗嘱变更的核心法律要素 2
(三)撤回与变更的法律效力比较 2
二、撤回与变更的法定程序分析 3
(一)遗嘱撤回的形式要求 3
(二)遗嘱变更的具体程序规范 3
(三)法定程序对效力的影响 4
三、实践中的争议问题研究 4
(一)撤回行为的认定标准 4
(二)变更效力的司法裁判规则 5
(三)实践中常见争议类型分析 5
四、完善撤回与变更制度的建议 5
(一)明确撤回与变更的法律边界 6
(二)建立统一的程序规范体系 6
(三)强化实践中的可操作性保障 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



