
摘  要:合作学习法作为一种有效的教学策略,近年来在高职英语教学中受到广泛关注。本研究基于当前高职英语教学中存在的学生参与度低、学习兴趣不足等问题,旨在探讨合作学习法在提升教学效果方面的可行性和实际应用价值。研究选取某高职院校两个平行班作为实验组和对照组,通过为期一学期的教学实践,采用问卷调查、课堂观察及测试成绩分析等方法,系统评估合作学习法的实施效果。结果显示,实验组学生的英语成绩显著提高,课堂参与度和学习积极性明显增强,同时团队协作能力和自主学习能力也得到了有效培养。研究发现,合作学习法能够有效弥补传统教学模式的不足,尤其在激发学生学习动机和促进多元化互动方面具有独特优势。本研究的创新点在于结合高职学生特点设计了针对性的合作学习任务,并提出了优化教学过程的具体建议,为高职英语教学改革提供了新的思路和参考依据。研究成果对推动合作学习法在高职教育中的深入应用具有重要意义。

Application and Reflection of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching of Higher Vocational Colleges
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:Cooperative learning, as an effective teaching strategy, has received increasing attention in recent years within the context of English instruction in higher vocational colleges. This study addresses existing issues such as low student engagement and insufficient learning interest in current English teaching practices, aiming to explore the feasibility and practical application value of cooperative learning in enhancing teaching effectiveness. Two parallel classes from a higher vocational institution were selected as the experimental group and control group, respectively. Over the course of one semester, the implementation effects of cooperative learning were systematically evaluated through a combination of questionnaire surveys, classroom observations, and analysis of test scores. The results indicated that students in the experimental group demonstrated significant improvements in their English performance, along with markedly enhanced classroom participation and learning motivation. Additionally, their teamwork skills and autonomous learning abilities were effectively cultivated. The findings revealed that cooperative learning can effectively compensate for the shortcomings of traditional teaching models, particularly in stimulating students' learning motivation and promoting diversified interactions. A key innovation of this study lies in the design of targeted cooperative learning tasks tailored to the characteristics of higher vocational students, as well as the provision of specific recommendations for optimizing the teaching process, thereby offering new insights and reference points for the reform of English instruction in higher vocational education. The research outcomes hold important implications for advancing the deeper application of cooperative learning in higher vocational education.
Keywords: Cooperative Learning Method;English Teaching In Higher Vocational Colleges;Teaching Effect;Student Participation;Autonomous Learning Ability
目  录
引言 1
一、合作学习法的理论基础 1
(一)合作学习的核心理念 1
(二)高职英语教学的特点 2
(三)理论与实践的结合点 2
二、合作学习法在高职英语教学中的实施策略 3
(一)教学目标的设计优化 3
(二)学生分组的原则与方法 3
(三)课堂活动的具体设计 4
三、合作学习法的应用效果分析 4
(一)学生语言能力的提升 4
(二)学习动机与参与度的变化 5
(三)师生互动模式的转变 5
四、合作学习法应用中的问题与反思 6
(一)实施过程中存在的挑战 6
(二)学生个体差异的影响 6
(三)改进措施与未来方向 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9



