
摘  要:英语短篇小说作为文学领域的重要体裁,其叙事技巧与主题表达的研究对理解文学创作规律和文化内涵具有重要意义本研究以英语短篇小说为对象,探讨其叙事策略及其对主题呈现的影响,旨在揭示叙事形式与内容之间的深层联系通过选取经典及当代作品进行文本细读,并结合叙事学理论分析,研究发现英语短篇小说普遍运用非线性时间结构、多重视角切换以及隐喻性语言等技巧,这些手法不仅增强了故事的复杂性和张力,还深化了对人性、社会及存在意义的探讨此外,研究创新性地引入跨文化视角,对比不同文化背景下的叙事差异,进一步丰富了对短篇小说艺术特征的理解最终得出结论:叙事技巧是主题表达的核心驱动力,而深入剖析这些技巧有助于读者更全面地把握作品的文化价值与美学意义这一研究为英语短篇小说的教学与批评提供了新思路,同时为比较文学研究拓展了理论框架

Narrative Techniques and Thematic ex pression in English Short Fiction
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:The English short story, as a significant genre in the literary domain, plays an essential role in exploring the narrative techniques and thematic ex pressions that contribute to understanding the regularities of literary creation and cultural implications. This study focuses on English short stories, investigating their narrative strategies and the impact of these strategies on thematic representation, with the aim of revealing the deep-seated connections between narrative form and content. By employing close readings of both classical and contemporary works and integrating narratological theories, the research identifies common techniques in English short stories, such as non-linear temporal structures, multiple perspective shifts, and me taphorical language. These techniques not only enhance the complexity and tension of the narratives but also deepen the exploration of human nature, society, and existential meaning. Furthermore, this study innovatively incorporates a cross-cultural perspective, comparing narrative differences across various cultural contexts, thereby enriching the understanding of the artistic characteristics of the short story. The conclusion drawn is that narrative techniques serve as the core driving force for thematic ex pression, and a thorough analysis of these techniques enables readers to grasp the cultural value and aesthetic significance of the works more comprehensively. This research provides new insights into the teaching and criticism of English short stories while expanding the theoretical fr amework for comparative literature studies.
Keywords: English Short Stories;Narrative Techniques;Theme ex pression;Cross-Cultural Perspective;Textual Close Reading
目  录
引言 1
一、叙事视角与主题表达 1
(一)叙事视角的类型分析 1
(二)有限视角下的主题深化 2
(三)全知视角与主题拓展 2
二、时间结构与叙事张力 3
(一)时间顺序与故事连贯性 3
(二)倒叙手法的主题强化作用 4
(三)时间断裂与读者情感共鸣 4
三、对话技巧与人物塑造 5
(一)对话在人物性格刻画中的作用 5
(二)内心独白与心理深度呈现 5
(三)对话推动情节发展的机制 6
四、象征手法与主题升华 6
(一)象征元素的选择与运用 6
(二)象征意义的多层次解读 7
(三)象征与主题表达的统一 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 9



