摘 要:随着全球化进程的加速,跨文化交流日益频繁,英语作为国际通用语言在其中扮演了重要角色,而英语习语作为语言文化的重要组成部分,其复杂性和文化负载性往往导致交流中的误解与障碍本研究以英语习语在跨文化交流中的误解现象为切入点,旨在探讨其成因并提出有效的应对策略研究采用定量与定性相结合的方法,通过问卷调查、访谈和案例分析,收集了来自不同文化背景的语言学习者及使用者的数据结果表明,英语习语的误解主要源于文化差异、历史背景、语境缺失以及语言直译等因素,并且这些因素相互交织,进一步加剧了理解难度基于此,本文提出了系统化的应对策略,包括增强文化意识、注重语境教学、利用多媒体资源以及开展跨文化交际培训等此外,本研究创新性地构建了一个动态的文化语境模型,帮助学习者在具体场景中更准确地理解和运用英语习语这一模型不仅提升了习语学习的效率,还为跨文化交际能力的培养提供了新思路总体而言,本研究深化了对英语习语在跨文化交流中作用的认识,为相关领域的教学实践和理论研究提供了有价值的参考
Misunderstandings and Coping Strategies of English Idioms in Cross-cultural Communication
Directive teacher:×××
Abstract:As globalization accelerates, intercultural communication has become increasingly frequent, with English as a lingua franca playing a pivotal role in this process. English idioms, as an integral part of language and culture, often lead to misunderstandings and barriers in communication due to their complexity and cultural loading. This study focuses on the phenomenon of misinterpretation of English idioms in intercultural communication, aiming to explore its causes and propose effective coping strategies. By employing a mixed-methods approach that combines quantitative and qualitative research, data were collected from language learners and users with diverse cultural backgrounds through questionnaires, interviews, and case analyses. The results indicate that the misinterpretation of English idioms primarily stems from cultural differences, historical contexts, lack of situational context, and literal translation, with these factors intertwining to further complicate comprehension. Based on these findings, this study proposes systematic strategies, including enhancing cultural awareness, emphasizing contextual teaching, utilizing multimedia resources, and conducting intercultural communication training. Additionally, an innovative dynamic cultural context model is constructed to assist learners in more accurately understanding and applying English idioms in specific scenarios. This model not only improves the efficiency of idiom learning but also offers new insights into the cultivation of intercultural communicative competence. Overall, this study enriches the understanding of the role of English idioms in intercultural communication and provides valuable references for both teaching practices and theoretical research in related fields.
Keywords: English Idiom;Cross-Cultural Communication;Cultural Difference;Misunderstanding Cause;Coping Strategy
目 录
引言 1
一、英语习语的文化内涵与跨文化意义 1
(一)英语习语的定义与分类 1
(二)习语的文化背景分析 2
(三)跨文化交流中的习语作用 2
二、英语习语在跨文化交流中的误解现象 3
(一)语言差异导致的误解 3
(二)文化背景差异引发的问题 4
(三)语境理解偏差的影响 4
三、误解产生的根源与机制分析 5
(一)语言结构与思维方式的冲突 5
(二)文化价值观的差异性探讨 5
(三)社会语境对习语理解的作用 6
四、应对跨文化误解的策略与方法 6
(一)提升跨文化意识的重要性 6
(二)学习与掌握英语习语的有效途径 7
(三)实践中减少误解的具体措施 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 9