
摘  要:英语新闻标题作为新闻文本的重要组成部分,其语言特点和功能在信息传播中具有不可忽视的作用。本研究基于语料库语言学方法,选取了近五年内来自权威英语媒体的10,000条新闻标题作为分析对象,旨在探讨英语新闻标题的语言特征及其社会功能。通过定量与定性相结合的研究方法,本研究从词汇、句法及语义三个维度对标题语言进行了系统分析,并结合语用学理论考察了标题的功能价值。研究发现,英语新闻标题普遍采用简洁明快的语言形式,偏好使用动词短语、名词化结构以及省略句等表达方式以增强信息密度和吸引力;同时,标题还通过修辞手段如双关、对比等实现吸引读者注意力的目的。此外,研究揭示了新闻标题在传递信息、引导舆论及构建社会认知方面的多重功能。本研究的创新点在于首次将语料库分析与语用功能研究相结合,为理解英语新闻标题的语言机制提供了新视角,同时也为跨文化传播及新闻翻译实践提供了理论支持。研究结果表明,深入剖析新闻标题的语言特点及其功能有助于提升读者的信息解读能力,并为相关领域的进一步研究奠定了基础。

Linguistic Features and Functional Analysis of English News Headlines
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:English news headlines, as an essential component of news texts, play an indispensable role in information dissemination through their linguistic characteristics and functions. This study, based on corpus linguistics methodology, selected 10,000 news headlines from authoritative English media over the past five years as the analytical subjects, aiming to explore the linguistic features and social functions of English news headlines. By employing a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, this study conducted a systematic analysis of headline language from three dimensions: lexis, syntax, and semantics, while examining the functional value of headlines through the lens of pragmatics theory. The findings indicate that English news headlines generally adopt concise and vivid linguistic forms, favoring the use of verb phrases, nominalization structures, and elliptical sentences to enhance information density and appeal. Additionally, headlines utilize rhetorical devices such as puns and contrasts to capture readers' attention. Furthermore, the study reveals the multiple functions of news headlines in information transmission, public opinion guidance, and the construction of social cognition. A key innovation of this research lies in its integration of corpus analysis with pragmatic functional studies, offering a new perspective for understanding the linguistic mechanisms of English news headlines and providing theoretical support for cross-cultural communication and news translation practices. The results suggest that a thorough examination of the linguistic features and functions of news headlines can improve readers' ability to interpret information and lay a foundation for further research in related fields.
Keywords: English News Headlines;Corpus Linguistics;Language Features;Social Functions;Pragmatic Analysis
目  录
引言 1
一、英语新闻标题的语言特点分析 1
(一)标题词汇的选择与特征 1
(二)标题句法结构的简化策略 2
(三)标题修辞手法的应用研究 2
二、英语新闻标题的功能性探讨 3
(一)吸引读者注意力的功能实现 3
(二)信息传递的核心功能分析 4
(三)情感引导与社会影响的功能 4
三、英语新闻标题的语言风格研究 5
(一)正式与非正式语言的对比分析 5
(二)幽默与夸张风格的表现形式 5
(三)简洁与直观风格的形成机制 6
四、英语新闻标题的文化与语境关联 6
(一)文化背景对标题语言的影响 6
(二)社会议题在标题中的体现方式 7
(三)语境因素对标题功能的制约作用 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 9



