范文独享 售后即删 个人专属 避免雷同



In today's deepening globalization, as the common language of global business communication, the cultural values in its advertising language play an important role in brand communication and market expansion. With the continuous expansion of multinational brands in the world, how to accurately understand and apply the cultural values of the target market has become a key issue in advertising production and communication. However, due to cultural differences and language barriers, the cultural values in English advertisements are often easy to be misread or ignored, resulting in unsatisfactory advertising effects, and may even lead to cultural conflicts and consumer conflicts. Therefore, this study aims to explore the cultural values and their ex pression in the English advertising language, and to analyze its role and influence in advertising communication. Through the literature review and case analysis, this study found that the cultural values in English advertising language are mainly reflected in the language symbols, emotional appeal and social cognition. The application of these cultural values can enhance the attractiveness of advertising, promote cross-cultural communication, and influence consumers' cognition and behavior. However, due to cultural differences and contextual understanding deviations, the cultural values in English advertisements may also be misinterpreted or misinterpreted, leading to poor advertising effect and even negative effects. Therefore, this study puts forward a series of countermeasures and suggestions, including improving cross-cultural understanding ability, implementing localization strategies, conducting cultural review and risk assessment, and respecting cultural taboos and values, in order to help advertising producers to better use cultural values, improve the effect of advertising, and promote the sustainable development of the brand.
Key words: English advertising language; cultural values; cross-cultural communication; brand internationalization

摘要 1
Abstract 2
一、绪论 4
1.1 研究背景和意义 4
1.2 国内外研究现状 4
二、相关理论概述 4
2.1 英语广告语言概述 4
2.2 文化价值观的理论解析 5
2.3 广告中的文化价值观特征 5
三、英语广告语言中的文化价值观表现 5
3.1 语言符号与文化价值观 5
3.2 情感诉求与文化价值观 6
3.3 社会认知与文化价值观 6
四、文化价值观在英语广告语言中的作用 7
4.1 增强广告的吸引力 7
4.1.1 文化元素的创新运用 7
4.1.2 情感共鸣的激发策略 7
4.1.3 创新叙事手法提升广告关注度 7
4.2 促进跨文化交流 8
4.2.1 广告中的文化桥梁作用 8
4.2.2 传播多元文化信息 8
4.2.3 提高全球受众的理解度 8
4.3 影响消费者行为 9
4.3.1 塑造消费者认知与偏好 9
4.3.2 建立品牌文化认同感 9
4.3.3 激发情感共鸣与忠诚度 9
五、文化价值观的误读与挑战 10
5.1 语境理解偏差与文化内涵的丧失 10
5.2 全球标准化策略引发的本土化冲突 10
5.3 文化敏感内容引发的公众争议 10
5.4 广告策略忽视特定文化禁忌 11
六、文化价值观的对策建议 11
6.1 提高跨文化理解能力 11
6.2 实施本土化策略 12
6.3 进行文化审查和风险评估 12
6.4 尊重文化禁忌和价值观 12
七、结论 13
参考文献 14




