摘 要:在全球化背景下,英语作为国际交流的重要工具,其学习动机的激发与维持成为外语教育领域的核心议题。本研究旨在探讨影响英语学习动机的关键因素,并提出针对性策略以促进学习者持续投入。研究采用混合方法设计,通过问卷调查和深度访谈相结合的方式,对300名非英语专业大学生进行数据收集与分析。结果表明,内在兴趣、职业发展需求及文化认同感是驱动学习者积极投入的主要动力源,而外部压力和短期目标则可能削弱长期学习热情。创新点在于引入动态动机模型,将学习环境、个体差异与社会文化因素纳入综合考量,揭示动机变化的复杂机制。此外,研究发现技术支持的个性化学习路径能够显著增强学习者的自主性和成就感。基于此,本文建议教育者应注重构建支持性学习环境,结合多元激励手段,帮助学习者将外在动机内化为持久的学习动力。该研究为优化英语教学实践提供了理论依据和具体指导,同时为相关领域进一步探索奠定了基础。
Motivation Activation and Maintenance in English as a Foreign Language Learning
Directive teacher:×××
Abstract:In the context of globalization, English serves as a crucial tool for international communication, and the stimulation and maintenance of motivation for learning English have become central issues in foreign language education. This study investigates the key factors influencing English learning motivation and proposes targeted strategies to promote learners' sustained engagement. A mixed-methods design was employed, combining questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews to collect and analyze data from 300 non-English major university students. The findings indicate that intrinsic interest, career development needs, and cultural identity are the primary drivers motivating learners to actively engage in English learning, while external pressure and short-term goals may undermine long-term enthusiasm. An innovative aspect of this research is the introduction of a dynamic motivation model, which integrates learning environment, individual differences, and sociocultural factors to reveal the complex mechanisms underlying motivational changes. Additionally, the study finds that technology-supported personalized learning paths significantly enhance learners' autonomy and sense of achievement. Based on these insights, it is recommended that educators focus on creating supportive learning environments and employing diverse incentive approaches to help learners internalize extrinsic motivation into enduring learning drive. This research provides theoretical foundations and practical guidance for optimizing English teaching practices and lays the groundwork for further exploration in related fields.
Keywords: English Learning Motivation;Intrinsic Interest;Career Development Need;Dynamic Motivation Model;Technology-Supported Personalized Learning
目 录
引言 1
一、学习动机的理论基础 1
(一)动机概念与分类 1
(二)外语学习动机的定义 2
(三)理论模型对动机的解释 3
二、激发英语学习动机的策略 3
(一)目标设定与动机激发 3
(二)教学活动的设计原则 4
(三)文化因素对动机的影响 4
三、维持英语学习动机的关键因素 5
(一)自我效能感的作用 5
(二)反馈机制与持续激励 5
(三)学习环境的支持性 6
四、动机激发与维持的实际应用 6
(一)课堂实践中的具体方法 6
(二)技术工具在动机维持中的作用 7
(三)长期学习计划的设计 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 9