摘 要:幼儿园环境创设作为学前教育的重要组成部分,对儿童身心发展具有深远影响。本研究基于当前幼儿教育中环境创设的不足与挑战,探讨其重要性并提出优化策略。通过文献分析与实地调研相结合的方法,选取多所幼儿园为研究对象,系统考察了物理环境、心理环境及社会文化环境对幼儿成长的作用机制。研究发现,良好的幼儿园环境能够有效促进幼儿的认知能力、情感表达和社会交往技能的发展。创新点在于提出了“生态化”与“互动式”相结合的环境设计框架,强调环境创设应以儿童为中心,融合自然元素与多元文化,同时注重教师与家长的协同参与。研究结果表明,这一框架的应用显著提升了幼儿园环境的质量和教育效果,为学前教育实践提供了理论支持与操作指南,也为相关政策制定者提供了参考依据。
Abstract:The creation of kindergarten environments, as a critical component of early childhood education, has a profound impact on children's physical and psychological development. This study addresses the significance of environmental design in current early childhood education by examining its deficiencies and challenges, and proposes optimization strategies accordingly. By integrating literature analysis with field research, multiple kindergartens were selected as research subjects to systematically investigate the role mechanisms of physical, psychological, and socio-cultural environments in children's growth. The findings indicate that a well-designed kindergarten environment can effectively enhance children's cognitive abilities, emotional ex pression, and social interaction skills. An innovative contribution of this study is the introduction of an integrated environmental design fr amework combining "ecologization" and "interactivity," which emphasizes child-centeredness, incorporates natural elements and multicultural perspectives, and highlights the collaborative participation of teachers and parents. The results demonstrate that the application of this fr amework significantly improves the quality of kindergarten environments and educational outcomes, providing theoretical support and operational guidance for early childhood education practices, as well as offering valuable references for policymakers.
Keywords: Kindergarten Environment Creation;Ecological Interactive fr amework;Children's Physical And Mental Development
目 录
引言 1
一、幼儿园环境创设的重要性分析 1
(一)环境对幼儿发展的意义 1
(二)创设环境的教育价值探讨 2
(三)当前环境创设存在的问题 2
二、幼儿园物理环境创设策略研究 3
(一)物理空间的功能性设计 3
(二)色彩与材料的选择原则 3
(三)安全性与舒适性的平衡 4
三、幼儿园心理环境创设策略研究 4
(一)心理环境的内涵与作用 4
(二)师幼互动对心理环境的影响 5
(三)营造积极情感氛围的路径 5
四、幼儿园环境创设的实践与优化策略 5
(一)区域活动中的环境创设实践 5
(二)家园合作在环境创设中的应用 6
(三)持续优化环境创设的建议 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8
Abstract:The creation of kindergarten environments, as a critical component of early childhood education, has a profound impact on children's physical and psychological development. This study addresses the significance of environmental design in current early childhood education by examining its deficiencies and challenges, and proposes optimization strategies accordingly. By integrating literature analysis with field research, multiple kindergartens were selected as research subjects to systematically investigate the role mechanisms of physical, psychological, and socio-cultural environments in children's growth. The findings indicate that a well-designed kindergarten environment can effectively enhance children's cognitive abilities, emotional ex pression, and social interaction skills. An innovative contribution of this study is the introduction of an integrated environmental design fr amework combining "ecologization" and "interactivity," which emphasizes child-centeredness, incorporates natural elements and multicultural perspectives, and highlights the collaborative participation of teachers and parents. The results demonstrate that the application of this fr amework significantly improves the quality of kindergarten environments and educational outcomes, providing theoretical support and operational guidance for early childhood education practices, as well as offering valuable references for policymakers.
Keywords: Kindergarten Environment Creation;Ecological Interactive fr amework;Children's Physical And Mental Development
目 录
引言 1
一、幼儿园环境创设的重要性分析 1
(一)环境对幼儿发展的意义 1
(二)创设环境的教育价值探讨 2
(三)当前环境创设存在的问题 2
二、幼儿园物理环境创设策略研究 3
(一)物理空间的功能性设计 3
(二)色彩与材料的选择原则 3
(三)安全性与舒适性的平衡 4
三、幼儿园心理环境创设策略研究 4
(一)心理环境的内涵与作用 4
(二)师幼互动对心理环境的影响 5
(三)营造积极情感氛围的路径 5
四、幼儿园环境创设的实践与优化策略 5
(一)区域活动中的环境创设实践 5
(二)家园合作在环境创设中的应用 6
(三)持续优化环境创设的建议 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8