
摘  要:随着社会对可持续发展教育的日益重视,幼儿园环境教育作为儿童早期生态意识培养的重要途径,逐渐成为研究热点。本研究旨在探讨幼儿园环境教育的渗透方式及其实践效果,通过构建系统化的教育模式,促进幼儿环保意识与行为能力的发展。研究采用质性与量化相结合的方法,选取某地三所幼儿园为样本,综合运用问卷调查、深度访谈和课堂观察等手段,分析环境教育在课程设计、活动组织及家园共育中的具体表现。研究表明,将环境教育融入日常教学能够显著提升幼儿的环保认知水平和参与积极性,同时教师的专业素养和家长的支持程度是影响教育成效的关键因素。本研究创新性地提出了“情境—体验—反思”三位一体的教学框架,强调以幼儿为中心的互动式学习,并开发了一系列可操作性强的实践活动方案,为幼儿园环境教育的深入开展提供了理论支持与实践参考。研究成果不仅丰富了学前教育领域的相关理论,也为推动生态文明建设奠定了基础。


Abstract:With increasing societal attention to sustainable development education, environmental education in kindergartens has become a research hotspot as an essential pathway for nurturing children's early ecological awareness. This study aims to explore the integration approaches and practical effects of kindergarten environmental education by constructing a systematic educational model to promote the development of young children's environmental consciousness and behavioral competence. A mixed-methods approach combining qualitative and quantitative methods was adopted, selecting three kindergartens in a specific region as samples. Questionnaire surveys, in-depth interviews, and classroom observations were comprehensively utilized to analyze the concrete manifestations of environmental education in curriculum design, activity organization, and home-kindergarten collaboration. The findings indicate that incorporating environmental education into daily teaching can significantly enhance children's environmental cognition and participation enthusiasm, while teachers' professional competence and parental support are critical factors influencing educational effectiveness. Innovatively, this study proposes a "situation-experience-reflection" tripartite teaching fr amework, emphasizing interactive learning centered on young children, and develops a series of highly operational practical activity plans, providing both theoretical support and practical references for the in-depth development of kindergarten environmental education. The research outcomes not only enrich relevant theories in the field of preschool education but also lay a foundation for advancing ecological civilization construction.

Keywords: Kindergarten Environmental Education;Sustainable Development;Situation-Experience-Reflection
目  录
引言 1
一、幼儿园环境教育的理论基础 1
(一)环境教育的核心概念 1
(二)幼儿园环境教育的意义 2
(三)理论框架与实践指导 2
二、幼儿园环境教育的渗透路径 3
(一)渗透式教育的基本原则 3
(二)教学活动中的环境渗透 3
(三)园所文化的环境融入 4
三、幼儿园环境教育的实践策略 4
(一)实践目标的设计与制定 4
(二)环境教育资源的开发与利用 5
(三)实践过程中的教师角色 5
四、幼儿园环境教育的效果评估 5
(一)评估指标体系的构建 6
(二)教育效果的数据分析 6
(三)改进措施与优化方向 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9



