
摘  要:幼儿情绪管理能力的培养对其心理健康和社会适应具有重要意义,但当前相关教育实践仍存在理论指导不足和方法单一的问题。本研究旨在探索系统化的情绪管理教育策略,并通过实证研究验证其有效性。研究采用混合研究方法,结合文献分析、问卷调查和行动研究,选取某地三所幼儿园共计240名幼儿及其教师为研究对象。通过为期半年的干预实验,设计并实施了以情绪认知、表达与调节为核心的教学活动。研究结果表明,系统化的教育策略能够显著提升幼儿的情绪识别能力和自我调节水平,同时改善师生互动质量。此外,研究创新性地提出了“情境体验式”教学模式,强调在真实生活场景中培养幼儿的情绪管理能力,为幼教领域提供了可操作性强的实践框架。本研究不仅丰富了幼儿情绪管理教育的理论体系,还为一线教师开展相关工作提供了具体指导,具有重要的应用价值。


Abstract:The cultivation of young children's emotion management skills is crucial for their mental health and social adaptation, yet current educational practices in this area still suffer from insufficient theoretical guidance and a lack of diverse methods. This study aims to explore systematic emotion management education strategies and empirically verify their effectiveness. A mixed-methods approach was adopted, integrating literature analysis, questionnaire surveys, and action research, with 240 preschool children and their teachers from three kindergartens in a specific region serving as the research participants. Through a six-month intervention experiment, teaching activities centered on emotion cognition, ex pression, and regulation were designed and implemented. The results indicate that a systematic educational strategy can significantly enhance young children's ability to identify emotions and regulate themselves, while also improving the quality of teacher-student interactions. Furthermore, this study innovatively proposes a "situation-based experiential" teaching model, which emphasizes cultivating children's emotion management skills within real-life contexts, providing an operationally strong practical fr amework for early childhood education. This research not only enriches the theoretical system of emotion management education for young children but also offers concrete guidance for frontline educators, demonstrating significant application value.

Keywords: Emotional Management For Young Children;Systematized Educational Strategies;Situational Experiential Teaching
目  录
引言 1
一、幼儿情绪管理的理论基础 1
(一)情绪管理的核心概念 1
(二)幼儿情绪发展的特点 2
(三)理论框架与研究意义 2
二、幼儿情绪管理教育的目标与内容 3
(一)教育目标的设计原则 3
(二)情绪管理的核心内容 3
(三)目标与内容的实践关联 4
三、幼儿情绪管理教育的策略分析 4
(一)家庭环境中的情绪引导 4
(二)幼儿园教育中的实施路径 4
(三)社会支持体系的作用 5
四、幼儿情绪管理教育的实践探索 5
(一)实践案例的选择与分析 5
(二)实践过程中的问题与挑战 6
(三)改进措施与优化方向 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



