
摘  要:幼儿艺术教育作为早期发展的重要组成部分,对培养儿童的创造力、审美能力和情感表达具有深远意义。本研究基于当前幼儿艺术教育存在的模式化与单一化问题,旨在探索创新的教学方法及其实践效果。通过为期一年的行动研究,选取某城市三所幼儿园的200名幼儿为研究对象,采用质性与量化相结合的研究方法,包括课堂观察、问卷调查和深度访谈,系统分析了创新教学模式在激发幼儿兴趣、提升艺术表现力及促进全面发展中的作用。研究发现,融合多元文化元素、注重个性化表达以及利用数字化工具的创新教学策略,能够显著提高幼儿的艺术参与度与创造力水平。此外,教师角色的转变与家长的积极参与也是成功实施的关键因素。本研究的主要贡献在于提出了“以儿童为中心”的艺术教育框架,并验证了其在实际教学中的可行性和有效性,为未来幼儿艺术教育的改革提供了理论支持与实践参考。


Abstract:Early childhood art education, as a critical component of early development, plays a profound role in fostering children's creativity, aesthetic ability, and emotional ex pression. In response to the existing issues of standardization and singularity in current early childhood art education, this study aims to explore innovative teaching approaches and their practical effects. Through a one-year action research project involving 200 preschoolers from three kindergartens in a city, a mixed-methods approach combining qualitative and quantitative research methods, including classroom observation, questionnaire surveys, and in-depth interviews, was employed to systematically analyze the role of innovative teaching models in stimulating children's interest, enhancing artistic ex pression, and promoting overall development. The findings indicate that teaching strategies integrating multicultural elements, emphasizing individualized ex pression, and utilizing digital tools can significantly increase children's participation in art activities and improve their levels of creativity. Furthermore, the transformation of teachers' roles and active parental involvement are identified as key factors for successful implementation. The primary contribution of this study lies in proposing a "child-centered" fr amework for art education, which has been validated in terms of its feasibility and effectiveness in real-world teaching contexts, thereby providing theoretical support and practical guidance for future reforms in early childhood art education.

Keywords: Early Childhood Art Education;Innovative Teaching Model;Personalized ex pression
目  录
引言 1
一、幼儿艺术教育的现状分析 1
(一)当前幼儿艺术教育的特点 1
(二)现存问题与挑战 2
(三)改革需求与方向 2
二、创新理念在幼儿艺术教育中的应用 3
(一)创新理念的核心要素 3
(二)艺术教育创新的实践路径 3
(三)创新对幼儿发展的意义 4
三、幼儿艺术教育的具体实践方法 4
(一)多元化教学模式的设计 4
(二)实践案例的分析与总结 5
(三)教学效果的评估与反馈 5
四、推动幼儿艺术教育创新的保障措施 6
(一)师资队伍建设的重要性 6
(二)家园合作的实施策略 6
(三)政策支持与资源优化 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



