
摘  要:随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,初中生网络成瘾现象日益凸显,对青少年身心健康、学业表现及社会适应能力产生深远影响本研究以初中生网络成瘾现象为切入点,旨在探讨其形成机制并提出针对性干预策略通过问卷调查与深度访谈相结合的方法,对某市三所中学的850名学生展开调研,同时结合心理学与教育学理论进行数据分析结果表明,初中生网络成瘾与其家庭环境、学校支持及个人心理特征密切相关,特别是父母监管缺失、同伴压力和自我控制力不足是主要诱因基于此,研究提出构建家校联动机制、优化心理健康教育体系以及开发个性化干预方案等创新性措施,为有效缓解初中生网络成瘾提供了实践参考本研究不仅深化了对网络成瘾现象的理解,还为相关教育政策制定和干预实践提供了科学依据,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

A Study on Internet Addiction among Junior High School Students and Its Intervention Strategies
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet technology, internet addiction among junior high school students has become increasingly prominent, exerting profound impacts on adolescents' physical and mental health, academic performance, and social adaptability. This study focuses on the phenomenon of internet addiction among junior high school students, aiming to explore its formation mechanisms and propose targeted intervention strategies. By employing a combination of questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews, research was conducted among 850 students from three middle schools in a city, with data analysis informed by psychological and educational theories. The results indicate that internet addiction among junior high school students is closely related to family environment, school support, and individual psychological characteristics, with particular emphasis on the lack of parental supervision, peer pressure, and insufficient self-control as primary contributing factors. Based on these findings, the study proposes innovative measures such as establishing a collaborative mechanism between families and schools, optimizing the mental health education system, and developing personalized intervention programs, providing practical references for effectively alleviating internet addiction among junior high school students. This research not only deepens the understanding of internet addiction but also offers scientific evidence for the formulation of relevant educational policies and intervention practices, demonstrating significant theoretical and practical implications.
Keywords: Junior High School Students' Internet Addiction;Family Environment Influence;School Support Function;Self-Control Ability;Intervention Strategies
目  录
引言 1
一、初中生网络成瘾现状分析 1
(一)网络成瘾的定义与特征 1
(二)初中生网络使用行为调查 2
(三)成瘾现象的主要表现形式 2
二、网络成瘾的影响因素研究 3
(一)个体心理因素分析 3
(二)家庭环境对成瘾的影响 3
(三)学校与社会因素的作用 4
三、网络成瘾对初中生的影响评估 4
(一)对学业表现的具体影响 4
(二)心理健康状况的变化 5
(三)社交能力与人际关系的影响 5
四、网络成瘾的干预策略探讨 5
(一)家庭层面的干预措施 6
(二)学校教育中的干预实践 6
(三)社会支持体系的构建 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



