
摘  要




  The concept of "preventing disease before it occurs" in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) originates from the Huangdi Neijing, emphasizing prevention as the priority, with a focus on preventing disease before it occurs and preventing progression once disease has developed. This study aims to explore the application of TCM's "preventing disease before it occurs" philosophy in the prevention of chronic diseases. By integrating literature review and clinical case analysis, this research systematically examines the theoretical foundations of this philosophy and its specific applications in modern chronic disease prevention and control. The findings indicate that the "preventing disease before it occurs" approach not only focuses on the disease itself but also places significant emphasis on holistic body regulation. It begins with constitutional identification and integrates multiple aspects such as emotional regulation, dietary and lifestyle guidance, and exercise for comprehensive intervention. Innovatively, a three-tiered preventive model based on "preventing disease before it occurs" has been constructed, encompassing primary prevention for healthy individuals, secondary prevention for those in sub-health states, and tertiary prevention for patients to prevent disease progression. The study reveals that this model effectively enhances individual self-health management capabilities, improves lifestyle, and reduces the incidence of chronic diseases and associated complications. The main contribution lies in integrating traditional TCM wisdom with modern medical concepts, providing new perspectives and methods for chronic disease prevention, which holds significant implications for advancing public health development in China.

Keywords:Pre-Disease Treatment;Chronic Disease Prevention;Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory;Tertiary Prevention Model;Constitution Identification

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
引  言 1
第一章 中医“治未病”思想概述 2
1.1 核心理念与内涵解析 2
1.2 现代医学背景下的意义 2
第二章 慢性病预防的中医视角 4
2.1 慢性病的中医认识 4
2.2 预防原则与方法论 4
2.3 个体化预防策略构建 5
第三章 “治未病”在慢性病早期干预的应用 7
3.1 体质辨识与健康评估 7
3.2 生活方式干预措施 7
3.3 心理调适与情志养生 8
第四章 “治未病”思想指导下的健康管理实践 9
4.1 健康监测体系建立 9
4.2 综合干预方案设计 9
4.3 效果评价与持续改进 10
结  论 11
参考文献 12
致  谢 13



