
摘  要




  The practice and reflection on the application of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) holistic concept in the comprehensive prevention and treatment of chronic diseases focus on the current severe situation of continuously rising global incidence of chronic diseases. Although modern medicine has made significant progress, it still faces challenges in the prevention and control of chronic diseases. This study aims to explore the value of TCM's holistic concept in the comprehensive prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. Through literature research, the essence of TCM's holistic concept is elucidated, encompassing the integrity of the human body itself, the unity between humans and the natural environment, and the integration of humans with the social environment. Case analysis is employed to examine practical examples of chronic disease prevention and treatment guided by the TCM holistic concept. The results indicate that a chronic disease prevention and treatment model constructed based on the holistic concept can improve patient conditions from multiple dimensions. In the disease prevention stage, following the unity of humans with nature and society, it advocates for adjusting daily routines according to the four seasons, maintaining good social relationships, and other healthy lifestyles to reduce the risk of onset. During the treatment process, emphasis is placed on the integrity of the human body itself, employing syndrome differentiation and treatment to adjust the balance of Yin and Yang in the body, enhance self-healing capabilities, and reduce complications. The conclusion is that the TCM holistic concept provides unique insights into the comprehensive prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. Its emphasis on the unity of heaven and humanity and the integration of form and spirit contributes to achieving the goals of preventing diseases before they occur and preventing deterioration after onset. Innovatively combining traditional TCM theory with modern chronic disease prevention and control, it offers wisdom for constructing a chronic disease prevention and control system with Chinese characteristics.

Keywords:Holistic Concept Of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Prevention And Treatment Of Chronic Diseases;Syndrome Differentiation And Treatment;Unity Of Heaven And Man;Integration Of Form And Spirit

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
引  言 1
第一章 中医整体观念的理论基础 2
1.1 整体观念的核心内涵 2
1.2 与慢性病防治的关系 2
1.3 理论体系的现代诠释 3
第二章 整体观念指导下的诊断思维 5
2.1 四诊合参的应用实践 5
2.2 辨证论治的具体体现 5
2.3 个体化诊疗模式构建 6
第三章 综合防治中的整体干预策略 7
3.1 内外兼治的治疗原则 7
3.2 脏腑经络的整体调理 7
3.3 心身同调的防治理念 8
第四章 整体观念在慢病管理中的应用 10
4.1 预防为主的理念践行 10
4.2 康复养生的综合运用 10
4.3 医患互动的模式创新 11
结  论 13
参考文献 14
致  谢 15



