
摘  要

肌肉萎缩严重影响患者的生活质量,传统康复手段存在局限性。本研究旨在探讨肌肉电刺激对肌肉萎缩恢复的促进作用,为临床治疗提供新思路。选取60例肌肉萎缩患者作为研究对象,随机分为实验组和对照组,每组30例。实验组采用常规康复训练联合肌肉电刺激治疗,对照组仅进行常规康复训练,疗程均为12周。通过测量治疗前后肌肉力量、肌肉体积等指标评估疗效。结果显示,实验组在肌肉力量和肌肉体积方面均有显著改善,与对照组相比差异有统计学意义。这表明肌肉电刺激能够有效激活肌肉纤维,促进神经 - 肌肉接头处的信号传递,改善血液循环,进而加速肌肉萎缩的恢复进程。本研究创新性地将肌肉电刺激应用于肌肉萎缩康复领域,证实了其安全性和有效性,为肌肉萎缩患者的康复治疗提供了新的选择,具有重要的临床应用价值。



Muscle atrophy significantly impairs patients' quality of life, and traditional rehabilitation approaches have certain limitations. This study aimed to investigate the promoting effect of muscle electrical stimulation on the recovery from muscle atrophy, providing new insights for clinical treatment. A total of 60 patients with muscle atrophy were recruited and randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group, with 30 cases in each group. The experimental group received conventional rehabilitation training combined with muscle electrical stimulation, while the control group underwent conventional rehabilitation training alone; both interventions lasted for 12 weeks. The therapeutic effects were evaluated by measuring indices such as muscle strength and muscle volume before and after treatment. The results showed that the experimental group exhibited significant improvements in both muscle strength and muscle volume, with statistically significant differences compared to the control group. This indicates that muscle electrical stimulation can effectively activate muscle fibers, enhance signal transmission at the neuromuscular junction, and improve blood circulation, thereby accelerating the recovery process of muscle atrophy. Innovatively applying muscle electrical stimulation in the field of muscle atrophy rehabilitation, this study confirmed its safety and efficacy, offering a new option for the rehabilitation of patients with muscle atrophy and demonstrating important clinical application value.

Keywords: Muscle Atrophy;Muscle Electro-Stimulation;Rehabilitation Treatment

目  录
引言 1
一、肌肉萎缩的病理机制研究 1
(一)肌肉萎缩的定义与分类 1
(二)肌肉萎缩的主要成因分析 2
(三)病理机制对恢复策略的影响 2
二、肌肉电刺激的基本原理与应用 2
(一)电刺激技术的发展历程 2
(二)电刺激促进肌肉功能的机制 3
(三)不同电刺激参数的效果比较 3
三、电刺激在肌肉萎缩恢复中的作用 4
(一)电刺激对肌肉力量的改善效果 4
(二)电刺激对肌肉体积的恢复作用 4
(三)电刺激对神经 5
四、肌肉电刺激治疗的优化与挑战 5
(一)治疗方案的个性化设计 5
(二)电刺激治疗的安全性评估 5
(三)当前研究的局限性与未来方向 6
结  论 6
致  谢 7
参考文献 8




