
摘  要:随着全球化进程的加快和多元文化的交融,传统文化在幼儿教育中的传承与创新面临新的机遇与挑战。本研究旨在探索幼儿教育中传统文化传承与创新的有效路径,以促进幼儿全面发展并增强文化认同感。通过对国内外相关文献的梳理及对国内多所幼儿园的实地调研,结合问卷调查、访谈等方法,深入分析当前幼儿教育中传统文化融入的现状、问题及成因。研究发现,将传统文化元素巧妙融入课程体系、教学活动、环境创设等方面能显著提升幼儿的学习兴趣与文化感知力。创新之处在于构建了“五维一体”的传统文化教育模式,涵盖故事讲述、传统节日体验、手工艺制作、音乐舞蹈表演及亲子互动五大模块,形成系统化、趣味化的教育体系。该模式不仅丰富了幼儿教育内容,也为传统文化的代际传承提供了可操作性强的新思路,为推动幼儿教育高质量发展贡献了积极力量。


Abstract:With the acceleration of globalization and the integration of multiculturalism, the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture in early childhood education face new opportunities and challenges. This study aims to explore effective pathways for the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture in early childhood education to promote children's comprehensive development and enhance their cultural identity. By reviewing relevant literature both domestically and internationally, and conducting field research in multiple kindergartens within the country, combined with methods such as questionnaires and interviews, this study thoroughly analyzes the current status, issues, and causes of integrating traditional culture into early childhood education. The findings indicate that incorporating elements of traditional culture skillfully into curriculum systems, teaching activities, and environmental design can significantly enhance children's learning interest and cultural perception. An innovative aspect of this research is the construction of a “five-dimensional integrated” model of traditional cultural education, which encompasses storytelling, traditional festival experiences, handicraft production, music and dance performances, and parent-child interactions. This model forms a systematic and interesting educational system that not only enriches the content of early childhood education but also provides a highly operational new approach for the intergenerational transmission of traditional culture, contributing positively to the high-quality development of early childhood education.

Keywords: Early Childhood Education;Traditional Culture Inheritance;Five-Dimensional Integrated Model

目  录
引言 1
一、幼儿教育中的传统文化资源 1
(一)传统节日在幼儿教育中的应用 1
(二)民间故事与幼儿品德培养 2
(三)传统艺术形式的引入方式 2
二、传统文化传承的教育方法 3
(一)游戏化教学的设计原则 3
(二)体验式学习的具体实施 3
(三)家园共育的合作模式 4
三、传统文化创新的教学内容 4
(一)现代视角下的经典解读 5
(二)创意课程体系的构建 5
(三)跨学科融合的教学实践 6
四、传统文化传承效果评估 6
(一)幼儿文化认知能力测评 6
(二)教师专业发展路径探索 7
(三)家长反馈与社会影响分析 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 9