摘 要:幼儿科学探索活动对培养儿童科学素养具有重要意义,当前我国幼儿科学教育存在内容单一、形式僵化等问题,为改善这一现状,本研究旨在设计并评估适合3 - 6岁幼儿的科学探索活动。以建构主义学习理论和皮亚杰认知发展理论为基础,选取某市三所幼儿园共210名幼儿作为研究对象,通过行动研究法开展为期半年的实践探索,将科学探索活动融入幼儿一日生活,从活动材料选择、问题情境创设、教师引导策略等方面进行系统设计。结果表明,参与实验组幼儿在科学探究能力、好奇心与求知欲、合作交流能力等方面均显著优于对照组,且不同年龄阶段幼儿在各项能力发展上表现出一定差异性。本研究创新性地构建了基于幼儿兴趣点的科学探索活动模式,强调幼儿自主探究与合作学习的重要性,为幼儿科学教育提供了可借鉴的操作范式,有助于推动幼儿科学教育向多元化、个性化方向发展。
Abstract:Scientific exploration activities for young children play a crucial role in cultivating scientific literacy. Currently, early childhood science education in China faces issues such as monotonous content and rigid formats. To address these challenges, this study aims to design and evaluate scientific exploration activities suitable for children aged 3 to 6. Grounded in constructivist learning theory and Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the research selected 210 children from three kindergartens in a city as subjects. Using action research methodology over a six-month period, scientific exploration activities were integrated into the children's daily routines. Systematic design was applied to material selection, problem scenario creation, and teacher guidance strategies. The results indicate that children in the experimental group significantly outperformed those in the control group in terms of scientific inquiry skills, curiosity, desire for knowledge, and cooperative communication abilities. Moreover, children at different age stages exhibited certain differences in their development of these abilities. This study innovatively constructed a model of scientific exploration activities based on children's interest points, emphasizing the importance of autonomous inquiry and collaborative learning. It provides a replicable operational paradigm for early childhood science education, promoting its development towards diversification and personalization.
引言 1
一、幼儿科学探索活动的设计原则 1
(一)科学探索目标设定 1
(二)活动内容选择标准 2
(三)设计的实践性考量 3
二、实施过程中的关键要素 3
(一)教师的角色定位 3
(二)环境创设与材料准备 4
(三)幼儿参与度分析 4
三、效果评估指标体系构建 5
(一)评估维度的确立 5
(二)数据收集方法 5
(三)结果分析框架 6
四、案例研究与改进建议 7
(一)典型案例剖析 7
(二)实施效果对比 7
(三)改进措施探讨 8
结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 10
Abstract:Scientific exploration activities for young children play a crucial role in cultivating scientific literacy. Currently, early childhood science education in China faces issues such as monotonous content and rigid formats. To address these challenges, this study aims to design and evaluate scientific exploration activities suitable for children aged 3 to 6. Grounded in constructivist learning theory and Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the research selected 210 children from three kindergartens in a city as subjects. Using action research methodology over a six-month period, scientific exploration activities were integrated into the children's daily routines. Systematic design was applied to material selection, problem scenario creation, and teacher guidance strategies. The results indicate that children in the experimental group significantly outperformed those in the control group in terms of scientific inquiry skills, curiosity, desire for knowledge, and cooperative communication abilities. Moreover, children at different age stages exhibited certain differences in their development of these abilities. This study innovatively constructed a model of scientific exploration activities based on children's interest points, emphasizing the importance of autonomous inquiry and collaborative learning. It provides a replicable operational paradigm for early childhood science education, promoting its development towards diversification and personalization.
Keywords: Early Childhood Science Exploration;Constructivist Learning;Piagetian Cognitive Development
引言 1
一、幼儿科学探索活动的设计原则 1
(一)科学探索目标设定 1
(二)活动内容选择标准 2
(三)设计的实践性考量 3
二、实施过程中的关键要素 3
(一)教师的角色定位 3
(二)环境创设与材料准备 4
(三)幼儿参与度分析 4
三、效果评估指标体系构建 5
(一)评估维度的确立 5
(二)数据收集方法 5
(三)结果分析框架 6
四、案例研究与改进建议 7
(一)典型案例剖析 7
(二)实施效果对比 7
(三)改进措施探讨 8
结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 10