
摘  要:幼儿语言发展关键期教育与家庭支持研究聚焦于0 - 6岁幼儿这一特殊阶段,基于语言发展关键期理论,旨在探讨适宜的家庭教育方式对幼儿语言能力提升的作用。本研究采用文献分析法梳理国内外相关研究成果,运用问卷调查与访谈法收集了来自不同地区300个家庭的样本数据,并结合案例分析深入探究家庭教育在幼儿语言发展中的影响机制。研究表明,家庭语言环境、父母陪伴质量及早期阅读习惯等因素对幼儿语言发展具有显著影响,其中高质量亲子互动能有效促进幼儿词汇量增长、语法掌握和语用能力发展。创新之处在于构建了涵盖语言输入频率、互动模式优化等多维度的家庭支持体系框架,为家长提供了具体可操作的指导方案,强调了家庭在幼儿语言启蒙中的基础性地位,为完善幼儿语言教育体系提供了新的视角与实证依据。


Abstract:This study focuses on the critical period of language development in children aged 0-6 years, based on the theory of the critical period for language acquisition, aiming to explore the role of appropriate family education approaches in enhancing children's language abilities. Utilizing literature analysis, this research reviews relevant findings both domestically and internationally, while employing questionnaire surveys and interview methods to collect data from 300 families across different regions. Case studies are integrated to delve into the influence mechanisms of family education on early childhood language development. The findings indicate that factors such as the family language environment, quality of parental accompaniment, and early reading habits significantly impact children's language development. Notably, high-quality parent-child interactions effectively promote vocabulary growth, grammar mastery, and pragmatic language skills. An innovative aspect of this study is the construction of a comprehensive family support fr amework encompassing multiple dimensions such as the frequency of language input and optimization of interaction patterns, providing parents with concrete and actionable guidance. This fr amework underscores the foundational role of the family in early language education and offers new perspectives and empirical evidence for improving the early childhood language education system.

Keywords: Early Childhood Language Development;Family Support System;Parent-child Interaction

目  录
引言 1
一、幼儿语言发展的关键期特征 1
(一)关键期的理论基础 1
(二)语言发展敏感阶段 2
(三)特征与个体差异 2
二、家庭环境对幼儿语言的影响 3
(一)家庭语言氛围营造 3
(二)父母语言输入质量 3
(三)家庭互动模式分析 4
三、关键期的语言教育策略 5
(一)教育目标设定原则 5
(二)多样化教学方法应用 5
(三)个性化教育方案设计 6
四、家庭支持体系的构建 6
(一)家长角色定位思考 6
(二)家校合作机制建立 7
(三)社区资源有效整合 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 9