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摘  要:随着社会的发展,幼儿教育受到广泛关注,其中情感教育作为幼儿全面发展的重要组成部分,其实施现状与改进成为研究焦点。本研究旨在探讨当前我国幼儿教育中情感教育的实施现状并提出改进建议,以期为幼儿教育工作者提供参考。通过对全国多个地区幼儿园进行问卷调查、访谈等方法收集数据,结果显示目前幼儿情感教育存在重视程度不足、教育内容单一、教师专业素养参差不齐等问题。创新之处在于构建了涵盖家庭、学校、社会三位一体的情感教育模式,强调环境创设、活动设计等方面对幼儿情感发展的促进作用。主要贡献是提出了具体可行的改进建议,如加强师资培训提高教师情感教育能力,丰富教育内容融入日常生活场景,建立多元评价体系关注幼儿个体差异,倡导家校社协同合作形成教育合力,从而全面提升幼儿情感教育质量,为幼儿健康成长奠定良好基础。


Abstract:With the development of society, early childhood education has received widespread attention, among which emotional education, as an important component of children's comprehensive development, has become a research focus on its implementation status and improvement. This study aims to explore the current implementation status of emotional education in early childhood education in China and propose improvement suggestions, in order to provide reference for early childhood educators. Through questionnaire surveys, interviews, and other methods of collecting data from kindergartens in multiple regions across the country, the results show that there are currently problems with insufficient attention to emotional education for young children, single educational content, and uneven professional competence of teachers. The innovation lies in the construction of an emotional education model that covers the three aspects of family, school, and society, emphasizing the promotion of children's emotional development through environmental creation, activity design, and other aspects. The main contribution is to propose specific and feasible improvement suggestions, such as strengthening teacher training to enhance teachers' emotional education ability, enriching educational content to integrate into daily life scenarios, establishing a diversified evaluation system to pay attention to individual differences of young children, advocating for home school social cooperation to form an educational synergy, thereby comprehensively improving the quality of emotional education for young children and laying a good foundation for their healthy growth.

Keywords: Emotional Education For Young Children;Teacher Training;Home-school-community Collaboration

目  录
引言 1
一、情感教育的理论基础与意义 1
(一)情感教育的概念界定 1
(二)情感教育的理论依据 2
(三)情感教育对幼儿发展的重要性 2
二、幼儿情感教育实施现状分析 3
(一)教育目标设定情况 3
(二)教学方法运用现状 3
(三)家园共育实施状况 4
三、当前幼儿情感教育存在的问题 4
(一)教师专业能力不足 4
(二)教育资源配备欠缺 5
(三)评价体系不够完善 5
四、幼儿情感教育改进建议 6
(一)提升教师专业素养 6
(二)优化教育资源配置 7
(三)建立科学评价机制 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 9