
摘  要:在全球化背景下,英语作为国际通用语言在跨文化交流中扮演着重要角色,而英语教材作为语言学习的核心工具,其文化内容的呈现方式直接影响学习者对多元文化的认知与理解。本研究旨在探讨英语教材编写中的文化多样性与包容性问题,通过分析现有教材中存在的文化偏倚现象,提出更具包容性的编写策略。研究采用定性和定量相结合的方法,首先对来自不同国家和地区的15套主流英语教材进行文本分析,评估其文化内容的多样性和代表性;其次,通过问卷调查和深度访谈收集了300名英语学习者及50名教师的反馈,以了解他们对教材文化内容的接受度与改进建议。研究发现,当前英语教材普遍存在西方文化主导的现象,非西方文化内容相对匮乏,且部分教材未能充分考虑目标学习群体的文化背景与需求。基于此,本研究提出了增强文化多样性的具体策略,包括增加非西方文化案例、引入多视角叙事以及鼓励学习者参与文化建构等。研究结果表明,这些策略有助于提升教材的文化包容性,促进学习者的文化敏感性和全球视野。本研究的主要贡献在于为英语教材编写提供了理论支持与实践指导,同时强调了文化多样性在语言教育中的核心地位,为推动更加公平和包容的语言教学环境奠定了基础。

Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity in English Textbook Development
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:In the context of globalization, English serves as a lingua franca in intercultural communication, and English textbooks, as core tools for language learning, play a crucial role in shaping learners' perceptions and understanding of multiculturalism. This study investigates the issues of cultural diversity and inclusiveness in the development of English textbooks by analyzing existing cultural biases and proposing more inclusive compilation strategies. A mixed-methods approach was employed, involving a textual analysis of 15 mainstream English textbook series from various countries and regions to evaluate the diversity and representation of their cultural content. Additionally, feedback was collected through questionnaires and in-depth interviews with 300 English learners and 50 teachers to assess their acceptance of and suggestions for the cultural content in the textbooks. The findings reveal a prevalent dominance of Western culture in current English textbooks, with a relative scarcity of non-Western cultural content, and some textbooks failing to adequately consider the cultural backgrounds and needs of their target learner groups. Based on these insights, this study proposes specific strategies to enhance cultural diversity, such as incorporating more non-Western cultural examples, introducing multi-perspective narratives, and encouraging learners to participate in cultural construction. The results indicate that these strategies can improve the cultural inclusiveness of textbooks, thereby promoting learners' cultural sensitivity and global awareness. The primary contribution of this study is to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the development of English textbooks while emphasizing the central importance of cultural diversity in language education, thus laying the foundation for a more equitable and inclusive language teaching environment.
Keywords: English Textbooks;Cultural Diversity;Inclusive Strategies;Intercultural Communication;Non-Western Cultures
目  录
引言 1
一、文化多样性在教材编写中的意义 1
(一)文化多样性的概念界定 1
(二)教材中文化多样性的重要性 2
(三)实现文化多样性编写的原则 2
二、包容性理念在教材编写中的体现 3
(一)包容性与英语教材的关系 3
(二)多元视角下的内容选择 4
(三)语言表达的包容性设计 4
三、教材编写中的文化冲突与调和 4
(一)文化冲突的表现形式 5
(二)跨文化理解的融入方式 5
(三)冲突调和的具体策略 6
四、文化多样性与包容性的实践路径 6
(一)教材案例分析与评价 6
(二)编写团队的文化素养提升 7
(三)持续改进的机制构建 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 9



