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摘  要:现代英语语音的变化是社会语言学研究中的重要议题,其背后涉及语言接触、技术发展及社会文化变迁等多重因素。本研究旨在探讨现代英语语音变化的社会动因及其规律性特征,通过结合定量与定性分析方法,对来自不同社会阶层、年龄群体和地域背景的英语使用者进行大规模语料采集与分析。研究采用社会语言学调查问卷、录音访谈以及计算机辅助语音分析工具,以确保数据的多样性和可靠性。结果显示,现代英语语音的变化呈现出明显的地域分化和社会阶层差异,同时受到全球化和技术进步的显著影响,例如社交媒体传播加速了某些语音特征的跨区域扩散。此外,年轻一代在语音变化中表现出更强的创新性和适应性,而传统语音特征则更多保留在年长者或特定封闭社群中。本研究的创新点在于首次将技术媒介作用纳入语音变化分析框架,并揭示了语音演变与社会身份建构之间的深层次关联。主要贡献在于为理解现代英语语音变化提供了全新的社会语言学视角,同时为相关领域的理论发展和实际应用奠定了基础。

A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Modern English Phonological Changes
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:The variation in modern English pronunciation is a significant topic in sociolinguistics, involving multiple factors such as language contact, technological development, and socio-cultural changes. This study aims to explore the social motivations and regularity features of changes in modern English pronunciation by integrating quantitative and qualitative analytical methods, collecting and analyzing large-scale corpora from English speakers across different social classes, age groups, and regional backgrounds. The research employs sociolinguistic questionnaires, recorded interviews, and computer-assisted speech analysis tools to ensure data diversity and reliability. The findings indicate that variations in modern English pronunciation exhibit clear regional differentiation and social class differences, while being significantly influenced by globalization and technological advancements; for instance, the spread of social media has accelerated the cross-regional diffusion of certain phonetic features. Moreover, younger generations demonstrate stronger innovation and adaptability in phonetic changes, whereas traditional phonetic characteristics are more preserved among older individuals or specific closed communities. The novelty of this study lies in its first-time inclusion of the role of technological media within the fr amework of phonetic change analysis, revealing the deep-seated connection between phonetic evolution and the construction of social identity. Its primary contribution is providing a new sociolinguistic perspective for understanding modern English phonetic changes, laying a foundation for theoretical development and practical applications in related fields.
Keywords: Modern English Pronunciation Change;Social Motivation;Technological Mediation;Phonological Evolution Rule;Social Identity Construction
目  录
引言 1
一、现代英语语音变化的社会背景分析 1
(一)社会变迁对语音的影响 1
(二)语言接触与语音演变 2
(三)技术发展对语音传播的作用 2
二、现代英语语音变化的类型学研究 3
(一)元音系统的动态变化 3
(二)辅音特征的变异模式 4
(三)超音段特征的变化趋势 4
三、社会因素在语音变化中的作用机制 5
(一)年龄层差异与语音演变 5
(二)性别角色对语音选择的影响 5
(三)地域方言与社会阶层的关联 6
四、现代英语语音变化的文化与身份表达 6
(一)语音作为社会身份的标志 6
(二)文化融合对语音规范的挑战 7
(三)新兴媒体对语音多样性的推动 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 9



