
摘  要:在全球化与信息化快速发展的背景下,文化事业作为社会公共事业的重要组成部分,其可持续发展面临诸多挑战与机遇。本研究基于公共事业管理理论视角,旨在探讨文化事业可持续发展的有效策略。通过文献分析、案例研究与实证调查相结合的方法,系统梳理了当前文化事业在资源分配、组织治理及公众参与等方面存在的问题,并提出以多元主体协同治理为核心的优化路径。研究发现,构建科学的资源配置机制、强化文化事业的社会价值导向以及提升公众的文化参与意识是实现可持续发展的关键因素。


Abstract:Under the background of the rapid development of globalization and information technology, cultural undertakings, as an important part of social and public undertakings, face many challenges and opportunities for their sustainable development. Based on the perspective of public utility management, this study aims to explore effective strategies for the sustainable development of cultural undertakings. Through the combination of literature analysis, case study and empirical investigation, the problems in the resource allocation, organizational governance and public participation of current cultural undertakings are systematically sorted out, and the optimization path with multi-subject collaborative governance as the core is put forward. It is found that the construction of scientific resource allocation mechanism, strengthening the social value orientation of cultural undertakings and enhancing the public's awareness of cultural participation are the key factors to achieve sustainable development.

Keywords: Cultural Undertakings Sustainable Development;Multiple Subjects Collaborative Governance;Resource Allocation Mechanism

目  录
引言 1
一、文化事业的可持续发展概述 1
(一)公共事业管理的基本内涵 1
(二)文化事业可持续发展的核心要素 2
(三)公共管理视角下的文化事业发展框架 2
二、当前文化事业可持续发展的挑战与机遇 3
(一)文化资源利用中的问题分析 3
(二)公共政策对文化事业的影响评估 3
(三)数字化转型带来的发展机遇 4
三、公共事业管理策略在文化事业中的应用 4
(一)资源整合与优化配置路径 4
(二)社会参与机制的构建与完善 5
(三)绩效评估体系的设计与实施 5
四、推动文化事业可持续发展的具体措施 6
(一)创新驱动的文化发展模式探索 6
(二)公私合作模式的实践与推广 6
(三)长效机制建设的路径选择 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9