摘 要:夫妻共同债务的法律界定与合理承担是婚姻家庭法中的重要议题,随着社会经济的发展和家庭财产关系的复杂化,该问题日益凸显其研究价值与实践意义本研究以夫妻共同债务的类型界分及其承担规则为核心,旨在通过系统梳理相关理论与司法实践,明确不同类型债务的认定标准,并构建科学合理的责任分配机制研究采用文献分析、比较法研究与案例实证相结合的方法,深入探讨了夫妻共同债务的形成原因、分类依据及现行规则的不足在此基础上,提出应区分家庭日常生活所需债务与超出日常范畴的债务,并分别确立相应的认定原则与举证责任分配方案研究结果表明,明确债务类型的法律边界有助于平衡债权人与债务人利益,同时强化对弱势群体的保护本研究的创新点在于引入动态调整机制以适应经济社会发展需求,并为完善我国夫妻共同债务制度提供了具体建议,对司法实践具有重要参考价值
Abstract:The legal definition and equitable allocation of joint spousal debts represent a critical issue in matrimonial and family law, with its significance increasingly highlighted by the development of socioeconomy and the growing complexity of family property relations. This study focuses on the classification of joint spousal debts and their corresponding liability rules, aiming to systematically examine relevant theories and judicial practices to clarify the criteria for identifying different types of debts and establish a scientifically sound mechanism for responsibility distribution. By employing a combination of literature analysis, comparative legal research, and case-based empirical studies, this research thoroughly investigates the causes of joint spousal debts, the basis for their categorization, and the deficiencies of existing regulations. It proposes that debts should be differentiated between those incurred for daily household needs and those exceeding such bounds, with respective principles of determination and burden-of-proof allocation schemes established accordingly. The findings indicate that defining the legal boundaries of debt types can help balance the interests of creditors and debtors while enhancing protection for vulnerable groups. A key innovation of this study lies in introducing a dynamic adjustment mechanism to adapt to evolving socioeconomic demands, offering concrete recommendations for improving China's joint spousal debt system and providing significant reference value for judicial practice.
引言 1
一、夫妻共同债务的基本理论 1
(一)夫妻共同债务的法律定义 1
(二)共同债务与个人债务的区分标准 2
(三)研究夫妻共同债务的意义 2
二、夫妻共同债务的主要类型界分 3
(一)家庭日常生活所需债务 3
(二)超出家庭日常生活所需债务 3
(三)基于共同意思表示形成的债务 4
三、夫妻共同债务承担规则的法律分析 4
(一)承担规则的现行法律规定 4
(二)共同债务清偿的责任分配原则 5
(三)特殊情形下的责任认定 5
四、夫妻共同债务制度的完善建议 6
(一)明确债务类型的法定标准 6
(二)优化共同债务承担机制 6
(三)强化司法实践中的统一性 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9
Abstract:The legal definition and equitable allocation of joint spousal debts represent a critical issue in matrimonial and family law, with its significance increasingly highlighted by the development of socioeconomy and the growing complexity of family property relations. This study focuses on the classification of joint spousal debts and their corresponding liability rules, aiming to systematically examine relevant theories and judicial practices to clarify the criteria for identifying different types of debts and establish a scientifically sound mechanism for responsibility distribution. By employing a combination of literature analysis, comparative legal research, and case-based empirical studies, this research thoroughly investigates the causes of joint spousal debts, the basis for their categorization, and the deficiencies of existing regulations. It proposes that debts should be differentiated between those incurred for daily household needs and those exceeding such bounds, with respective principles of determination and burden-of-proof allocation schemes established accordingly. The findings indicate that defining the legal boundaries of debt types can help balance the interests of creditors and debtors while enhancing protection for vulnerable groups. A key innovation of this study lies in introducing a dynamic adjustment mechanism to adapt to evolving socioeconomic demands, offering concrete recommendations for improving China's joint spousal debt system and providing significant reference value for judicial practice.
Keywords: Marital Joint Debt;Legal Definition;Liability Allocation
引言 1
一、夫妻共同债务的基本理论 1
(一)夫妻共同债务的法律定义 1
(二)共同债务与个人债务的区分标准 2
(三)研究夫妻共同债务的意义 2
二、夫妻共同债务的主要类型界分 3
(一)家庭日常生活所需债务 3
(二)超出家庭日常生活所需债务 3
(三)基于共同意思表示形成的债务 4
三、夫妻共同债务承担规则的法律分析 4
(一)承担规则的现行法律规定 4
(二)共同债务清偿的责任分配原则 5
(三)特殊情形下的责任认定 5
四、夫妻共同债务制度的完善建议 6
(一)明确债务类型的法定标准 6
(二)优化共同债务承担机制 6
(三)强化司法实践中的统一性 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9