
摘  要:随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,网络侵权问题日益凸显,权利人错误通知导致的次生损害成为亟待解决的法律难题本研究以网络侵权中权利人错误通知为切入点,在梳理相关理论与司法实践的基础上,探讨错误通知侵权责任的归责原则研究采用规范分析与比较法相结合的方法,深入剖析现行过错责任原则在适用中的局限性,并结合域外立法经验提出完善建议研究发现,传统过错责任原则难以有效平衡权利人、网络服务提供者与被通知人三方利益,而引入过错推定原则能够更好地适应网络环境下的动态变化最终得出结论,应在立法层面明确过错推定原则作为错误通知侵权责任的基本归责原则,同时辅以必要的免责事由和举证责任分配机制,从而实现更公平合理的责任认定这一创新性观点为完善我国网络侵权法律制度提供了新思路,并对司法实践具有重要指导意义


Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet technology, online infringement issues have become increasingly prominent, and the secondary damages caused by right holders' erroneous notifications have emerged as an urgent legal challenge. This study focuses on the erroneous notifications issued by right holders in cases of online infringement, examining the relevant theories and judicial practices to explore the attribution principles for liability in cases of erroneous notification infringement. By employing a combination of normative analysis and comparative methodology, the study critically analyzes the limitations of the current fault-based liability principle and draws on international legislative experiences to propose improvements. The research reveals that the traditional fault-based liability principle struggles to effectively balance the interests of right holders, internet service providers, and notified parties. Introducing the presumed fault principle is found to better accommodate the dynamic changes in the online environment. Consequently, the study concludes that the presumed fault principle should be established as the fundamental attribution principle for erroneous notification infringement at the legislative level, supplemented by necessary exemptions and mechanisms for the allocation of evidentiary responsibility to achieve fairer and more reasonable liability determinations. This innovative perspective provides a new approach to improving China's legal system for online infringement and offers significant guidance for judicial practice.

Keywords: Network Infringement;Incorrect Notice;Presumption Of Fault Principle

目  录
引言 1
一、错误通知侵权责任的理论基础 1
(一)错误通知的概念与特征 1
(二)权利人责任的法律属性 2
(三)理论研究的意义与现状 2
二、归责原则的法律适用分析 3
(一)过错责任原则的适用条件 3
(二)无过错责任原则的探讨 3
(三)混合归责模式的可能性 4
三、权利人错误通知的责任构成要件 4
(一)主观过错的认定标准 5
(二)行为违法性的判断依据 5
(三)损害后果与因果关系分析 6
四、错误通知侵权责任的完善建议 6
(一)法律规范的优化路径 6
(二)平台责任与权利人义务的平衡 7
(三)国际经验的借鉴与启示 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9



