
摘  要:刑事案件中未成年受害人精神损害赔偿制度的构建是当前司法实践中的重要课题。随着社会对未成年人权益保护的关注日益增强,现行法律体系在精神损害赔偿方面的不足逐渐显现,尤其在未成年受害人群体中,其特殊性与脆弱性亟需专门的法律保障。本研究旨在探讨并设计一套符合中国国情的未成年受害人精神损害赔偿制度,通过文献分析、案例研究和比较法考察等方法,系统梳理国内外相关立法与实践经验。研究发现,现行法律框架存在赔偿标准模糊、举证责任过重及执行机制不完善等问题,而引入心理评估机制、细化赔偿标准及优化程序规则可有效弥补上述缺陷。


Abstract:The construction of the compensation system for minor victims in criminal cases is an important subject in the current judicial practice. With the increasing attention of the society to the protection of the minors' rights and interests, the deficiency of the current legal system in the compensation for mental damage gradually appears, especially in the group of juvenile victims, its particularity and vulnerability are in urgent need of special legal protection. The purpose of this study is to explore and design a set of mental damage compensation system for juvenile victims in line with China's national conditions, and to systematically sort out relevant legislation and practical experience at home and abroad through literature analysis, case study and comparative law investigation. It is found that the current legal fr amework has some problems, such as vague compensation standard, heavy burden of proof and imperfect implementation mechanism, and the introduction of psychological evaluation mechanism, refining the compensation standard and optimizing the procedure rules can effectively make up for the above defects.

Keywords: Minor Victims;Mental Damage Compensation;Grading And Classification

目  录
引言 1
一、未成年受害人精神损害赔偿的理论基础 1
(一)精神损害赔偿的基本概念 1
(二)未成年人特殊保护的法律依据 2
(三)构建赔偿制度的必要性分析 2
二、国内外相关制度的经验与启示 3
(一)国外未成年受害人赔偿制度概述 3
(二)国内现行法律体系中的不足 3
(三)借鉴与本土化路径探讨 4
三、刑事案件中精神损害赔偿的适用范围 4
(一)赔偿范围的界定标准 4
(二)不同类型案件的适用条件 5
(三)特殊情形下的赔偿考量 5
四、赔偿制度构建的具体路径与保障机制 6
(一)赔偿责任主体的明确 6
(二)赔偿程序的设计与优化 6
(三)相关配套措施的完善 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9