摘 要:随着数字经济的快速发展,个人信息成为重要资源,但其过度收集与滥用问题日益突出,同意规则作为个人信息保护的核心机制面临诸多实践困境。本研究旨在探讨同意规则在理论与实践中的适用性及其局限性,并提出优化路径。通过文献分析、案例研究与比较法研究相结合的方法,系统梳理了国内外相关法律法规及实施现状,发现当前同意规则存在用户知情权保障不足、同意形式化以及技术手段滞后等问题。研究结果表明,强化透明度要求、细化同意类型并引入动态 consent 管理机制是改善现有困境的有效途径。本研究创新性地提出了基于场景的风险评估模型,为同意规则的具体应用提供了更具操作性的框架,同时强调技术工具与法律规范的协同作用,以实现更高效的个人信息保护。这一研究成果对完善我国个人信息保护制度具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。
Abstract:With the rapid development of the digital economy, personal information has become a critical resource; however, issues of excessive collection and misuse have become increasingly prominent, posing significant challenges to the consent rule as the core mechanism for protecting personal information. This study aims to explore the applicability and limitations of the consent rule in both theory and practice, while proposing optimization pathways. By employing a combination of literature analysis, case studies, and comparative legal research, this paper systematically reviews relevant domestic and international laws and regulations, as well as their implementation status, revealing that the current consent rule suffers from insufficient protection of users' right to be informed, formalistic consent processes, and outdated technical means. The findings indicate that enhancing transparency requirements, refining categories of consent, and introducing dynamic consent management mechanisms are effective approaches to addressing these challenges. Innovatively, this study proposes a scenario-based risk assessment model, providing a more operational fr amework for the specific application of the consent rule, while emphasizing the synergistic role of technological tools and legal norms to achieve more efficient personal information protection. This research holds important theoretical and practical significance for improving personal information protection systems in China.
引言 1
一、同意规则的理论基础 1
(一)同意规则的概念界定 1
(二)同意规则的法律渊源 2
(三)同意规则的核心要素 2
二、同意规则在实践中的应用 3
(一)用户同意的获取方式 3
(二)同意的有效性评估 3
(三)实践中的典型案例分析 4
三、同意规则面临的现实困境 4
(一)用户知情权的局限性 4
(二)同意机制的操作障碍 4
(三)技术发展对同意规则的挑战 5
四、完善同意规则的路径探索 5
(一)法律制度的优化方向 5
(二)技术手段的应用前景 6
(三)用户权益保护的平衡策略 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8
Abstract:With the rapid development of the digital economy, personal information has become a critical resource; however, issues of excessive collection and misuse have become increasingly prominent, posing significant challenges to the consent rule as the core mechanism for protecting personal information. This study aims to explore the applicability and limitations of the consent rule in both theory and practice, while proposing optimization pathways. By employing a combination of literature analysis, case studies, and comparative legal research, this paper systematically reviews relevant domestic and international laws and regulations, as well as their implementation status, revealing that the current consent rule suffers from insufficient protection of users' right to be informed, formalistic consent processes, and outdated technical means. The findings indicate that enhancing transparency requirements, refining categories of consent, and introducing dynamic consent management mechanisms are effective approaches to addressing these challenges. Innovatively, this study proposes a scenario-based risk assessment model, providing a more operational fr amework for the specific application of the consent rule, while emphasizing the synergistic role of technological tools and legal norms to achieve more efficient personal information protection. This research holds important theoretical and practical significance for improving personal information protection systems in China.
Keywords: Personal Information Protection;Consent Rule;Transparency Requirement
引言 1
一、同意规则的理论基础 1
(一)同意规则的概念界定 1
(二)同意规则的法律渊源 2
(三)同意规则的核心要素 2
二、同意规则在实践中的应用 3
(一)用户同意的获取方式 3
(二)同意的有效性评估 3
(三)实践中的典型案例分析 4
三、同意规则面临的现实困境 4
(一)用户知情权的局限性 4
(二)同意机制的操作障碍 4
(三)技术发展对同意规则的挑战 5
四、完善同意规则的路径探索 5
(一)法律制度的优化方向 5
(二)技术手段的应用前景 6
(三)用户权益保护的平衡策略 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8