
摘 要



Investigation on demand and satisfaction of home nursing service for elderly patients


With the acceleration of the aging of the population in our country, the demand for home nursing services for elderly patients is increasing day by day. In order to deeply understand the needs and satisfaction status of elderly patients' home nursing services, this study adopted the combination of questionnaire survey and interview method, and selected 456 elderly patients in three communities of a city as the research ob jects, and conducted investigation and analysis from the aspects of basic life care, medical care and psychological care. The study found that elderly patients have a strong demand for home nursing services, especially in chronic disease management and rehabilitation guidance. However, in the actual process of receiving services, there are problems such as single service content and lack of professionals, resulting in the overall satisfaction rate of only 62.3%. Further analysis showed that the elderly patients with different ages, education and economic status had significant differences in their needs and satisfaction with home nursing services, among which the elderly, low education and poor economic conditions had more urgent needs but lower satisfaction.

Key Words:home nursing service,  needs of elderly patients,  chronic disease management

目 录

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

(二)国内外研究现状综述 1

二、老年患者居家护理服务需求分析 2

(一)日常生活照料需求 3

(二)医疗护理服务需求 4

(三)心理支持服务需求 5

三、居家护理服务供给现状调查 7

(一)服务提供主体分析 7

(二)服务内容与形式 8

(三)服务可及性评价 9

四、患者对居家护理服务满意度评估 11

(一)满意度影响因素分析 11

(二)不同群体满意度差异 12

(三)提升满意度的对策建议 14

五、结论 15

参考文献 16

致 谢 18




