摘 要
The May Fourth New Culture Movement, as a significant ideological and cultural transformation in modern Chinese history, profoundly influenced the formation and development of modern Chinese literature. This study explores its impact on modern Chinese literature in terms of ideological content, forms of ex pression, and aesthetic orientation, aiming to reveal how this historical event propelled the transition of Chinese literature from tradition to modernity. By employing a methodology that combines documentary analysis with historical comparison, this research systematically examines literary works, theoretical propositions, and subsequent developments during the May Fourth period, while also considering the socio-cultural context. It analyzes the profound influence of core concepts advocated in the New Culture Movement, such as democracy, science, and individual liberation, on literary creation. The findings indicate that the May Fourth New Culture Movement not only broke the constraints of traditional literature but also laid the foundation for modern Chinese literature through the vernacular language movement and innovations in literary form. Moreover, it stimulated writers' attention to individual value and social issues, making literature an important vehicle for expressing the spirit of the age. The novelty of this study lies in examining the May Fourth New Culture Movement within a broader socio-cultural transformation, emphasizing its interdisciplinary comprehensive impact, and reevaluating its milestone significance in the history of modern Chinese literature, thereby providing new perspectives and theoretical support for understanding the development of contemporary literature.
Keywords:May Fourth New Culture Movement;Modern Literary Transformation;Ideological Connotation;Vernacular Language Movement;Aesthetic Orientation
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
引 言 1
第一章 五四新文化运动的文学观念变革 2
1.1 文学革命的思想基础 2
1.2 白话文运动的兴起与发展 2
1.3 新文学理论的构建与传播 3
第二章 五四新文化运动对文学形式的影响 4
2.1 小说创作的新突破 4
2.2 诗歌形式的革新尝试 4
2.3 戏剧艺术的现代转型 5
第三章 五四新文化运动对作家群体的影响 6
3.1 新一代作家的崛起 6
3.2 作家思想观念的转变 6
3.3 作家创作主题的变化 7
第四章 五四新文化运动对文学思潮的影响 8
4.1 现实主义思潮的兴起 8
4.2 浪漫主义的本土化发展 8
4.3 现代主义元素的引入 9
结 论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12