摘 要
随着社会快速发展,现代汉语词汇系统不断更新,新词新语大量涌现并广泛传播,这不仅反映了社会文化的变迁,也对语言学研究提出了新的挑战。本研究旨在探讨现代汉语新词新语的产生与传播机制,基于语料库语言学方法,收集2010 - 2022年间的网络文本、新闻报道、社交媒体等多源语料,构建专门语料库,运用定量分析与定性分析相结合的方式,从词汇构成、语义演变、传播路径三个维度展开深入研究。结果表明,新词新语的产生受社会事件驱动、网络文化催化和技术革新推动,其构成呈现出融合性、缩略化、象形化等特征;在传播方面,以社交媒体为重要平台,通过意见领袖引领、群体互动强化和算法推荐扩散等方式实现快速传播。本研究创新性地将语料库语言学与社会语言学理论相结合,揭示了新词新语产生的多元动因及其传播规律,为理解现代汉语发展提供了新视角,也为相关领域的研究如网络语言监测、语言教学等提供了理论依据和实践指导。
With the rapid development of society, the Modern Chinese lexicon is continuously evolving, leading to the emergence and widespread dissemination of neologisms. This phenomenon not only reflects changes in social culture but also presents new challenges for linguistic research. This study aims to investigate the mechanisms of generation and dissemination of neologisms in Modern Chinese. By employing corpus linguistics methodology, multi-source data including online texts, news reports, and social media content from 2010 to 2022 were collected to construct a specialized corpus. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, this research delves into three dimensions: lexical composition, semantic evolution, and dissemination pathways. The findings indicate that the emergence of neologisms is driven by social events, catalyzed by internet culture, and propelled by technological innovations. Their composition exhibits characteristics such as fusion, abbreviation, and ideographic representation. In terms of dissemination, social media serves as a crucial platform, facilitating rapid propagation through opinion leader guidance, group interaction reinforcement, and algorithmic recommendation diffusion. Innovatively integrating corpus linguistics with sociolinguistic theory, this study reveals the multifaceted motivations behind the creation of neologisms and their dissemination patterns, providing a new perspective on the development of Modern Chinese. It also offers theoretical foundations and practical guidance for related fields such as online language monitoring and language teaching.
Keywords:Modern Chinese New Words And Phrases;Corpus Linguistics;Dissemination Mechanism;Social Events Drive;Internet Culture Catalysis
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
引 言 1
第一章 新词新语的产生机制研究 2
1.1 社会变迁与新词新语生成 2
1.2 语言内部演化规律分析 2
1.3 新媒体对新词产生的影响 3
第二章 新词新语的传播媒介分析 4
2.1 数字平台的传播作用 4
2.2 社交网络中的扩散路径 4
2.3 传统媒体与新媒体的互动 5
第三章 新词新语的社会文化功能 6
3.1 反映社会心理的语言特征 6
3.2 文化认同与群体归属感 6
3.3 跨文化传播中的适应性 7
第四章 新词新语的规范化与可持续发展 8
4.1 规范化的需求与挑战 8
4.2 公众接受度与语言生命力 8
4.3 长期存续的影响因素分析 9
结 论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12