




  Civil enforcement procedures, as a critical judicial component for realizing creditors' rights, face numerous challenges in the context of rapid social and economic development. With market activities becoming increasingly frequent and complex, the number of debt disputes continues to rise, making it imperative to effectively safeguard creditors' legitimate rights during the enforcement phase. This study aims to thoroughly examine the mechanisms for protecting creditors' rights within civil enforcement procedures by integrating literature analysis, case studies, and empirical investigations. It systematically reviews the current legal fr amework governing creditors' rights protection, analyzing existing issues and their underlying causes. The research reveals deficiencies in areas such as public disclosure of enforcement information, participation in distribution procedures, and review of enforcement ob jections, which impede the effective realization of creditors' rights. To address these shortcomings, this paper proposes the establishment of a diversified creditors' rights protection system, encompassing measures such as enhancing the construction of execution information sharing platforms, optimizing property investigation and control mechanisms, and strengthening supervision over enforcement activities. The findings indicate that these initiatives can improve enforcement efficiency and bolster creditors' confidence in judicial fairness, providing theoretical support and practical references for developing a more comprehensive civil enforcement system. Moreover, these efforts are crucial for maintaining social stability and promoting healthy economic and social development.

Keywords:Civil Enforcement Procedure; Creditor Rights Protection; Enforcement Information Disclosure

目  录
一、绪论 1
(一) 民事执行程序中债权人权益保护的背景 1
(二) 研究的意义与价值 1
(三) 国内外研究现状综述 1
(四) 本文的研究方法 2
二、债权人权益保护的法律框架 2
(一) 我国民事执行法律体系 2
(二) 债权人权益保护的基本原则 3
(三) 执行程序中的主要法律规定 3
(四) 法律框架存在的问题分析 4
三、债权人权益保护的具体措施 5
(一) 财产查控机制的完善 5
(二) 强制执行手段的应用 5
(三) 多元化纠纷解决机制 6
(四) 特殊情形下的权益保障 6
四、债权人权益保护的优化路径 7
(一) 完善立法建议 7
(二) 提升执行效率策略 7
(三) 加强司法监督机制 8
(四) 构建社会信用体系 9
结 论 10
参考文献 11
